Friday, March 16, 2012

More Medical Assisted Weight Loss Programs May Be the Key to Controlling Obesity

Obesity is a growing problem in our society. What is even more serious is that obesity can lead to additional medical problems including heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, and cancer. This could put a strain on healthcare if it is not controlled better, especially as we move toward healthcare reform. Will effective medical weight loss programs become more available - even for those who are not morbidly overweight? Chances are quite possible.
People Continue to Try Losing Weight the Wrong Way
Meanwhile, it's not as though people aren't trying to lose weight. Otherwise the latest fad diet wouldn't become so popular so fast. Of course, people who do try these fad diets find that while the diet may work short term, the weight generally comes back - sometimes even extra.
The unhealthy starvation, the basis of most fad diets, not only ruins metabolism, but the post weight gain then affects the person psychologically. This makes it even more difficult to lose weight.
Medical Assisted Weight Loss is Only for Extreme Obesity?
Of course, another way to lose weight is through bariatric surgery. Yet this type of medical weight loss offers many options for an extremely overweight patient (morbidly obese). As it continues to prove success for such patients, however, it appears that newer, even safer procedures, such as gastric banding are emerging.
To explain how the bariatric surgical process is evolving: Gastric banding is a bariatric surgery procedure that is less invasive, is adjustable and reversible, plus it can be performed on an outpatient basis. In addition, gastric banding requires the patient to follow a stringent follow-up process with the support coming from either their surgeon or another weight loss medical professional.
Why Do Doctors and Patients Avoid Talking About Obesity?
So it seems that bariatric surgery is popular enough for such improvements to be made in the area of medical weight loss. Or is it that popular? Recent studies are still finding that patients and doctors are not talking to each other about obesity, as reported in a recent article by Medical News Today.
What's more, these studies have found that following surgery, the feeling from both the bariatric patients and the doctors is that they wish they would have addressed the issue sooner, since bariatric surgery works so successfully. The Obesity Action Coalition couldn't agree more. In fact, they expect healthcare professionals to do more, like discuss other weight loss options besides surgery.
Unfortunately, it is something that is not done. Perhaps it would be if it were covered by insurance. This, of course, may require additional training for healthcare professionals in the area medical assisted weight loss. In the long run, though, it may be worth the training.
Insurance Proposal May Pave the Way for Improvements
Well it may just change to this. For instance, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has recently proposed to begin allowing obesity as a covered diagnosis, in attempt to lower the obesity rate.
This may mean big changes in the healthcare community and society in general as we head toward healthcare reform. Finally, people will get the help they need to make necessary lifestyle changes to improve their quality of life.
Until then, if you are suffering from weight issues, talk to your healthcare professional. The more people who make these requests, the more medical weight loss offerings may become available sooner.
Please visit our site to learn more about medical weight loss and weight loss programs.
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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Manage Obesity With A Good Diet and Moderate Exercise, Or With Surgery - It's Your Choice

The management of obesity follows a predictable and logical sequence of approaches starting with the simplest approach, and going on to the most complex. The initial approach to weight loss will always be diet and exercise. A plan to reduce calories (smaller portions of "normal" foods) balanced with a modest exercise program is step number one.
In some cases this approach has been sincerely and consistently implemented but to no avail. You've done everything you can do and have still not lost the weight. What's next? Any other ideas? Well,...yes. You may be a candidate for surgery to reverse the trend of weight gain.
If your doctor believes that your excess weight is such that it cannot be controlled by conventional methods, he may suggest that you are a candidate for weight-loss surgery. There are two approaches that he will likely discuss with you:
• "Banding": Laparoscopic banding is a technique in which the surgeon puts a band around a portion of your stomach in to reduce its size. You will "fill up" faster and will feel more satisfied with your food intake.
• Gastric bypass surgery re-routes the path that food takes from the stomach to the small intestine. Much of the food that is eaten is not absorbed.
Both types of surgeries cause weight loss. If the stomach cannot hold more than a small portion of food, or, if the food bypasses the stomach and goes directly to the intestine, extra calories cannot be absorbed. However, these serious procedures are not to be considered lightly.
Following either type of surgery, an individual is likely to experience nausea, vomiting, and complications such as bleeding or ulcers. The large weight loss will also leave one with loose, excessive skin which often requires additional surgery for its removal.
An inherent problem following surgery is that the nutrients absorbed are so limited that one will require large amounts of vitamin and mineral supplementation. There is no allowance for extra "treats" because the stomach space is small and every bit of it is needed for healthful foods.
The decision to have surgery is serious. Hopefully a competent surgeon will not even consider you for the procedure unless you have a well-documented history showing that you have really tried to lose weight and have been unable to do so by usual means or that your life is endangered by your weight.
For the vast majority of folks a weight loss program and modest exercise is adequate.
Look at this "eating plan" before considering surgery.
By Sue Bristol, R.N.
My eBook will lead you through the way to make it work for you, and your obese child, or spouse. Here's the "Secret Weight Loss Diet" that virtually EVERY successful dieter uses. (Whether or not they are even aware of it!)
Get your Free e-book, which will give you the "Weight Loss Secret" You don't need to be overweight: Learn how to loss weight fast in a scientific and effective way.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Move To It: A Simple Way to Lose Weight While You Sleep

Obesity only became a major problem in the 1960s when the world and his wife began to exchange horse power for muscle power. By this time most households could afford a washing machine, which meant that energy was no longer expended washing clothes by hand. Gardens came to be tended, not with hand tools, but with hedge cutters and motor mowers. Factory workers no longer carried out repetitive manual tasks on long production lines, but sat down twiddling the knobs on increasing complex automated machinery. Instead of walking to work, thousands switched to commuting by car. In London, a survey revealed that the average white collar worker was now travelling less than a mile a day on foot. With fully half the bus journeys in the city being less than one mile in length, a journey that can generally be covered more quickly on foot, Londoners will rather wait for a bus, in rain and howling gales, than exercise their legs. This hypokinetic shift is a major cause of the current obesity plague. We get fat, not necessarily because we eat too much, but more particularly because we exercise too little. Labourers in Victorian times ate plenty of junk food, and drunk lashings of beer, yet if you look at the old photos of farm labourers, coal miners and deep sea fisherman you'll notice that none of them had a weight problem.
At one time it was believed that middle aged spreads arise because muscles have an inherent tendency to turn to fat. That's total twaddle. If we eat too much, and exercise too little, it's inevitable that we'll grow fat. At the same time we're bound to lose muscle bulk, but these two metabolic changes are contemporaneous, rather than causally linked. All too often our problem is, not that we eat too much, but that we exercise too little. And that has a knock on effect. People say they're sick and tired of being overweight, when what they really mean is that they're sick and tired through being overweight. Anyone who's overweight is likely to be prone to breathlessness, ready fatigue and rheumatic aches and pains. Fat folk fade fast. This means they're more likely to take it easy, and maybe give themselves a boost by taking some sugary foodstuffs when their spirits droop. Motion pictures of a group of girls playing volley ball during a summer camp showed that those who were overweight were standing still for nearly ninety per cent of the game compared with just over half for those who weren't carrying a load of excess fat. The truth is, you can't be fit and fat.
One way of turning this vicious circle into a virtuous circle is to start building up your muscle mass. Shun the escalators, do some form of daily exercise and walk whenever you can. The more muscle you build the trimmer you'll look, for muscle is far more compact than fat. It will also dispose of some of your surplus calories, for a kilogram of muscle burns up approximately three calories a day, compared with the one calorie required to maintain a similar weight of fat. If in the next few weeks you can increase your muscle mass by just three pounds you'll burn up about an extra 200 calories a day, which is equivalent to a loss of roughly a pound of fat every 18 days. What's more, you'll burn up extra calories every time you boost your activity levels, and this can continue even when you're watching TV, or lying asleep in bed, for the level of body metabolism remains raised for four to six hours after exercise is taken. All these benefits, and their just a muscle twitch away.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Obesity Deaths and Related Illness

Obesity Deaths and Related Illness are at epidemic levels in the U.S.
The Mayo Clinic track trends in obesity and states that they are seeing an increase in Obesity Deaths and Related Illness.
Latest estimates are 130 million adults are obese and estimates are as high as 15% of all children are obese. Let's get a clear understanding of the term obese: Wikipedia defines obesity as a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy.
Obesity Deaths and Related Illnesses are:
High Blood Pressure, hypertensionHigh Blood CholesterolDiabetes Type 2Congestive heart failureHeart diseaseStrokeGall stonesGoutOsteoarthritisSome types of cancerComplications of pregnancyPoor female reproductive healthBladder Control ProblemsPsychological disorders

The Mayo Clinic recommends many changes to combat obesity deaths and related Illness. As do most other professional medical websites, the number one recommendation is to start making healthy changes in your diet to eliminate obesity deaths and related Illness. Most obese people have a long history of overeating and making poor food choices. Now there is a more recognized way of eating to take off weight than ever before. Many companies are offering meal replacement products and supplements that are very low in calories but deliver all the necessary nutrition in a meal replacement product.
The challenge is deciding which one will work for you. At age 62, after years of eating the wrong type food in large quantities, I had a body mass index, often listed as BMI, of 34 and fell into the obesity category. For me it meant I had to find something that was easy to prepare, mobile for eating on the go, tasted good and finally allowed me to still enjoy most of the foods I enjoy.
I found the best program for me was a meal replacement shake. The company is traded on the New York Stock Exchange and has grown to a multi-billion dollar annual sales company with a good record of success with their clients. The company offers clinically tested products that are reasonably priced. With this program I was able to drop my BMI to 25, lost 50 pounds and have kept it off for over 6 years and still counting. I spend about $6.00 per day for food from on this program, which is less than I spent at the fast food restaurants I ate at in the past. I have a home cooked or cooked to order out meal each day and now enjoy my old favorites and new foods like, salads, seafood, vegetables and fruits.
I do not get hungry and have more energy than I have had for the last 30 years. With all the renewed energy I decided there is a business opportunity. I had way too much energy to retire. I investigated the business side of Wellness Coaching and have enjoyed substantial income for the last 6 years while providing a needed service to my family, friends and neighbors. Partner with me by clicking here. You can get more info on Obesity Deaths and Related Illness by visiting the business opportunity site. is a source for information on weight management, income opportunities general topic discussions


Monday, March 12, 2012

Morbid Obesity - Getting Help

Obesity in America has become a very dangerous epidemic. It is estimated that over 15 million Americans suffer from obesity. Just being over weight can cause health issues, but being morbidly obese can cause very deadly health issues such as; heart disease, diabetes, severe breathing problems and high blood pressure just to name a few. If you have been struggling with your weight and have become morbidly obese, you need to get help. There is no reason to battle this disease alone. The first step is admitting you need help and then you have to seek it.
Start with your family physician. If you have been seeing a physician over the years, he most likely has been monitoring your weight increase. Let him know that you have decided to take control of your weight problem and begin a conversation about what your options are.
Surgery is one of the options available to you to battle obesity. There are two types of surgery. Restrictive surgery is where the stomach is made smaller by either a band or by stapling. Combination surgery is where the stomach is made smaller and the new pouch is connected to the small intestine. Gastric Bypass is one of the most common combination surgeries. The surgeries make the stomach smaller which limits the amount of food you can intake. Your diet will drastically change after having surgery so you should thoroughly discuss with your doctor if this option is viable and if so, which surgery is best for you. As with any surgery, there are many risks to consider from infection to death. These risks should be understood completely before deciding on surgery. Be sure to do your research and ask to speak to patients who have had the particular surgery you are considering.
Diet and exercise is one of the oldest methods of dealing with weight issues. There are countless diets on the market today as well as exercise programs. Your physician can assist you in finding the appropriate diet for you and help monitor your progress. If you are morbidly obese, then the chances are great that you are battling other physical ailments that can be affected by diet or exercise. You should have a complete physical before beginning any diet or exercise programs.
Psychological help is something to strongly consider. Many suffering from obesity also suffer from psychological issues that helped to create the obesity. Therefore, seeking mental help is imperative in treating obesity in these cases. This can be done in conjunction with diet and exercise as well as surgery.
If you are one of the many Americans fighting obesity, as stated above, the first step is to admit you need help and find that help. There are countless professionals available to help you as you begin your battle with morbid obesity. You just have to make the decision that it is time to begin this battle, and then arm yourself with the knowledge and professional help needed to wage your war against obesity.
Jason Kay recommends joining, a free obesity social network.


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Obesity Can Cause Discrimination and Harassment at Workplace

People who are overweight or obese can experience rejection and discrimination as they search for jobs, negotiate their salary, and face reviews for promotions. Obese or overweight people can face workplace harassment and discrimination regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. A workplace can be a harsh environment for an obese employee to work in. It matters a lot how your whole persona is identified and how you look at your workplace. It is often said that co-workers and managers tend to pay less attention or make fun of obese employees. In most instances, this can cause a denial of equal opportunity to overweight and obese employees. This unprofessional approach hinders rather than helps the potential to build interpersonal relationships in the office environment.
It's a general perception that women are more conscious about the way they look. So, in the case of obese women, they are twice as likely to be victimized in comparison to obese men. Unfair treatment of obese people is so rampant in nature that it not only affects workplace environment, but can also weaken friendships and relationships with friends and loved ones.
A survey has shown that some employers and insurance agencies view obesity as a liability. It further adds that about one-third of hiring staff believe that it is right to not employ an obese individual on the grounds of valid medical reasons. About 15% of those hiring staffs believe they would be less likely to promote an obese person.
Is Obesity an Inevitable Problem?
Obesity is not something that cannot be controlled. People just need to keep a watch on what they eat, in what quantity they eat and how active they are. A firm determination along with significant lifestyle changes, balanced diet, and regular exercise can help you get the weight loss results you want.
Slimming Pills for Obesity Treatment
Slimming pills are one of the most convenient and effective forms of obesity treatment. Appetite suppressants, metabolism boosters, and fat absorbers are the three main types of slimming pills. Appetite suppressants work in the brain to suppress hunger. They provide a feeling of satiety or fullness to suppress appetite. Metabolism boosters increase the rate at which metabolism takes place to burn extra calories and fat and help lose weight. Lastly, the category that is considered most effective among slimming pills is fat absorbers. They can prevent absorption of certain amount of fats in the diet and dispel it through bowel movements. Xenical orlistat is a prescription medication that comes under the category of fat absorbers. It prevents the absorption of up to 30% of dietary fat in the body. Orlistat is effective if taken in conjunction with regular exercise and balanced diet. This weight loss pill works in the digestive tract, so it is considered safe for patients suffering from heart problems, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Many people prefer to buy Xenical online to save themselves from the hassles of going to their local clinics. It is convenient and reliable to order a prescription medicine like Xenical online.
For more information on weight loss pills visit our health blog: Expert Medical Advice

Visit source first to find the link site of Expert Medical Advice

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Making Lifestyle Changes Is the Need of the Hour

A couple of decades ago when I was a kid and in school I remember there were very few people who had diabetes, hyper tension, obesity, high or low blood pressure, back aches and similar kinds of health issues. There were hardly any cases of chronic neck pain and a heart attack case was seldom heard of in a country like India, where I live. The picture has completely changed today because presently the issues that I have mentioned above are common. Today every third or fourth person is over weight, has got diabetes or suffering from arthritis, stiff neck, cervical pain or slip disc, back pain, etc. I can say with full confidence that presently there are a very small percentage of people who are completely fit and free from diseases.
The only reason that I find is responsible for the present unhealthy state is our lifestyle. We have become lethargic and self-indulgent. We eat wrong foods, drink heavily, and smoke frequently. We do all these things just to overcome our anxiety or to get relief from our tension filled life. Our life has certainly become complex and our unhealthy lifestyle has added fuel to the fire, and has led to serious body ailments, deformities, obesity and in turn untimely deaths, premature aging, etc. That has finally made us sad, unhappy, and unhealthy.
In my opinion attaining a healthy body is not at all a very difficult task. By making some minor lifestyle changes we can keep ourselves fit and trim. We can overcome all such issues by following a simple diet and exercise routine. By making a few modifications in our diet and combining that with a little exercise all our problems can automatically get solved.
I have a few tips that I will like to share with people who have become obese or are suffering from some kind of stress, have problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, cervical pain, back pain, joint pain, etc. I am not going to suggest any medicine or a pill to you. My formula of getting fit and keeping fit is simple and easy to implement. If you are really serious about your health then just follow what I am going to tell you and I guarantee you will never have any health problem the whole of your life.
What you need to do is to eat a healthy and a low-fat diet. For example, you can have boiled eggs, fruits, milk or cereals like oats, porridge, corn flakes, etc. for breakfast. Eat a heavy breakfast, have moderate lunch consisting salads, yoghurt, pulses, rice or a vegetable, and a light as well as early dinner. In dinner your menu can be two pieces of roasted chicken, ham or any other meat, other than red meat, one or two helpings of your favorite vegetable dish, three or four slices of bread or buns and a glass or two of your favorite wine.
Along with dietary changes if you can do some aerobic exercises like brisk walking or jogging for half an hour, thrice or four times in a week, all the above mentioned health issues will itself get resolved. The tips I have given can help in making you disease free and I am of a firm belief that a healthy lifestyle is definitely your ticket to good health and happiness.
I am a fitness freak and will like to share a few tips to help you overcome problems like obesity, anxiety, tension, heart attacks, diabetes, cervical pain, back pain, joint pain, etc. You can get useful information on losing weight and overcoming obesity in my blog at harparams how to lose weight fast


Friday, March 9, 2012

Losing Weight - The Hypno Band Way

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Obesity is the biggest worry of many governments around the world. In the United States of America 74.1% of her population are either over-weight or obese and the United Kingdom is not far behind with 60.8%. Looking at our own country, Malaysia, there is no exception. Take a look around you, 2 out of every 5 Malaysians are either over-weight or obese according to the latest survey conducted by the Ministry of Health. That is a whopping 40%!
Judging by what is served by the food outlets around us, it is no wonder how many people "conveniently" become obese. How many of these outlets serve healthy, nutritious food and juices as compared to those who serve only fatty and excessively sweet food and drinks?
Obesity is a significant health threat. The extra weight not only adds stress to our body and internal organs, it also affects our life expectancy. Cardiovascular diseases, Type II diabetes, stroke, cancers, depression, joint problems such as osteoarthritis and high blood pressure are just a few conditions caused by being overweight. Hypoxemia, which is the gradual decrease of oxygen level in the blood caused by extreme obesity may lead to right-side heart failure and ultimately death when left untreated. These are only the physical illnesses. What about the psychological illnesses?
Most obese people feel self-conscious of their appearance. The teasing and snide remarks they receive daily about their weight and looks are no laughing matter. Many develop low self-esteem and have poor social skills. Some may even fall into depression.
The trend among people now is to maintain an ideal weight and live a healthier life. Easier said than done! What then can these people do and what other options do they have?
Many of us know that regular exercise and a healthy diet will help control our weight. We need to consume less calories than we burn. Take the stairs instead of the escalators, or dance while doing house-hold chores. Thirty minutes of aerobic exercise per day, five days a week would be ideal. BUT, how many of us actually do this diligently?
Most people lose weight by changing to a healthier diet. However sticking to a healthier life-style is not an easy task for many. The support of friends and family is crucial for it to succeed. Some resort to extreme dieting (consuming less than 1,100 calories a day) or taking medications to lose weight. There are many over-the-counter diet products which may not be safe and have negative side effects. Many dieters report that they regain their weight quickly after stopping using these medications.
Another form of extreme weight loss alternative is through surgery. For very obese people who were unable to lose weight through diet and exercise, there is laparoscopic gastric binding procedure. For this procedure, the surgeon will place a band around the upper part of the stomach, thus reducing the capacity of the stomach to hold food. You will feel full after eating smaller portions of food. Like any other surgeries, this procedure is not without its complications. On top of that it is an extremely expensive treatment.
A safer and healthier alternative is the world renowned Hypno Band treatment. Originating from the United Kingdom, it has been successfully practiced in the United States, Australia and a few other countries. The Hypno Band System is a combination of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and hypnotherapy techniques. Using the mind Body connection, a "virtual gastric band" is fitted to the stomach. Your eating habits will change as you will be satiated with less food and will also make healthier food choices. Be rest assured that no surgery is involved and this behaviour changing method is non-invasive.
Hypno Band is an extremely relaxing and safe procedure. There will be no negative side effects except for the fact that you would need to invest in new sets of slimmer clothes!
However, Hypno Band is not for every one. If you are over-weight and are committed to lose weight the healthy way, then it would be suitable for you. Your commitment is crucial for the success of this program. Are you prepared to change your eating habits and life-style for the better? The key to success lies in your very own hands! The only other exceptions would be psychological reasons for your weight problem (we would need to help you overcome your emotional issues before working on your weight) or when you are on certain medications.
Apart from losing weight, hypnosis will help you accept your new image. The hypnotherapist will help condition your subconscious mind to live healthily, eat healthily and maintain a healthy body image. Working on a strong mind Body relationship, it will prevent you from going back to the original obese self as others would, because they were not ready to acknowledge the changes and are still emotionally affected. With hypnosis, losing body weight as well as emotional baggage will help you accept the healthier, fitter and happier new you. Whichever method you choose, ensure you have made the right decision. Ensure the practitioner of your choice, whether a hypnotherapist, beautician or personal trainer, is fully accredited and trained to help you achieve your goals. With so many scams and botched treatments reported in the media, be sure you will not be the next victim. Not only is your time and money are wasted, your health and future well Being will also be affected.
Joyce Hue is a hypnotherapist based in Malaysia. She conducts Hypno Band in her center in Petaling Jaya. She also deals with other issues such as self-esteem, motivation and habit breaking, that goes hand in hand with managing weight issues.
For more information, please visit

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Peliculas Online

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Weak Legs Linked to Weight

Yet another reason to get your weight under control; avoiding weak legs in your senior years. If you're an older woman, and overweight, you have almost the same strength and power in your legs as a normal weight woman your age does. But, when assessed in comparison to the weight you're actually carrying, older overweight female did much worse in terms of leg strength than normal weight women according to new research.This finding challenges the assumption that thin older people are more likely to be disabled due to lack of muscle mass. It's what you've been told for the last 20 years.
Instead, it's carrying all the added weight over time that makes it harder to walk... to do the activities involved with daily living.
And this is what experts fear we'll see, especially since two thirds of us are now overweight (or obese), coupled with an aging population that is predicted to double in the next twenty years.
This would mean that a large segment of the population would have an increased chance of suffering disability.
What the team did was measure the impact of extra weight on the participants' leg strength, power and walking speed; all factors that impact daily living.
When matched up against normal weight older subjects, overweight women in the research had an average 24% decreased leg strength in comparison to their weight, the strength to weight ratio of the legs was at 38%. They walked at a speed that was 20% slower as well.
The extra weight these women carried was truly impacting their mobility. Being at a normal weight allows you keep doing the activities needed for successful daily living, and remain independent for longer. If that isn't motivation to get your weight under control, nothing is.
Researchers have been looking into the effects of strength and exercise in the elderly population for a while now, but this is the first time obesity in this population has made it into the mix. While they didn't start out looking at weight at all, it soon become obvious that being overweight is a major concern.
If you're overweight, you can help improve that strength to weight ration in one of two ways. Boosting muscle strength or dropping some weight.
The surprise comes from the researchers belief that gaining strength is the easier route for older adults. True that most of us aren't all that good at losing weight, but even the most aged and frail among us can have dramatic improvements in strength.
The Growing Stronger program, a joint effort of the CDC and experts from Tufts University is a solid starting point in terms of getting more active. The program is based on scientific studies of strengthening exercises, so you're doing something that will actually make a difference... build the strength of your muscles, keep your bones strong as well as help your balance, coordination and ability to move about.
Strength training can even help reduce some of the symptoms of chronic diseases, even arthritis. Even if you're not so active right now, this program can help you get started, slowly and safely, with strengthening weak legs.
FREE Bonus Secret Health Reports - For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from the Daily Health Bulletin. Click through now to discover other problems associated with aging as well as tips on dealing with weak legs.

View the original article here

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Benefits Of Bariatric Surgery

Gastric bypass surgery is a form of weight loss surgery, or bariatric surgery, that makes alterations to your digestive system, so you are unable to eat as much food. Your stomach is surgically reduced in size, and food bypasses part of your small intestine which makes you feel full sooner. Typically, a gastric bypass patient can only eat a fraction of the food he could prior to the surgery, and overall calorie consumption is greatly reduced.
Gastric banding is another type of bariatric surgery, where a small silicone band, commonly called a "lap band" is secured around the top portion of the stomach. The band forms a pouch at the top of the stomach that is capable of holding roughly ½ cup of food. A regular stomach can hold about six cups of food. Like with gastric bypass surgery, gastric banding creates a situation where the patient can only eat miniscule amounts of food before becoming full, and calorie intake is greatly reduced.
Typically, bariatric surgery is performed on people who are morbidly overweight, with a body mass index of 40 or greater, or have a serious health problem related to your weight. This may include type 2 diabetes, severe sleep apnea or dangerously high blood pressure. Your doctor will usually prescribe lifestyle changes like diet modification and exercise before surgery. Gastric bypass surgery and gastric banding often provide rapid weight loss, which helps to ease some of the patient's health problems, and offers several other benefits.
The weight loss that results from bariatric surgery takes stress off several of the body's systems. Aside from diabetes, sleep apnea and high blood pressure, gastric bypass and gastric banding can remedy gastroesophageal reflux disease, reduce the risk of heart disease and lower your risk for stroke. Your joints will suffer less stress carrying out daily activities, which may reduce your risk of osteoarthritis. Being extremely overweight creates a tremendous burden on your ankles, knees and hips joints with each step you take. As you continue to lose weight, your mobility will improve along with your ability to carry out everyday tasks without pain or becoming short of breath. Your self-esteem will also benefit, as you melt away the pounds and regain your health.
Despite the benefits and effectiveness of the procedures, bariatric surgery isn't foolproof. You still have to maintain a healthy lifestyle after the surgery for it to work effectively. The healthier your lifestyle is, the greater your weight loss will be. Even though you'll be eating less, you still want to make healthy choices with the foods you eat. You will also want to participate in regular exercise once your doctor gives the thumbs up, to improve your chances of sustained weight loss. It's important to take gastric bypass surgery or gastric banding seriously, because even though they have a high success rate, they're still surgeries, and complications are possible. Follow your doctor's instructions before and after your bariatric surgery, and you should realize life changing weight loss.
Get the information you need on gastric bypass, and start your journey towards a new body and a new life.

View the original article here

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Running Is Good For Weight Loss and Physical Fitness Everytime

We have a problem in America with overeating, thoughtless food consumption. Running is good for weight loss simply because it involves your physical fitness. Super Size your order at the fast food counter and live to regret it. None of us want to be fat, it's just the taste, the feeling of the need for more that has turned us into a society of obese children, teenagers and adults.Encourage your children to run everyday for physical fitness between school and doing their homework. Kids need a break from the routine at school and lack of physical activity. Obviously, if they play school sports then it may not be necessary to do more. Watching TV is not healthy when done to excess. Don't use the TV as your personal babysitter when the children come home after school.
Parents have a responsibility to be healthy themselves to set the example. Running can be good for your weight loss and physical fitness, too, but the real value is leading the family to accept good values. Healthy bodies tell the world how much you value life at its best.
Most of us wake up to our weight gain when our clothes don't fit any longer. Rushing out to buy new clothes that fit your new size is not a good decision. Immediately, take action in the opposite direction and change your eating habits, renewing your gym membership and running on a regular schedule.
Look around you and notice what people eat in restaurants. Large portions are the norm today apparently to justify the higher food prices. In many restaurants you can split portions and share with another person at your table. We do this often when eating out with our family members. Get in the habit of keeping your weight under control rather than taking the easy way out. Yes, a few extra pounds slips up quickly and we panic instead of assuming control of our eating habits.
Actually, the word "diet" is negative thinking for most of us. It's better to never mention that "word" around the dinner table and simply begin pushing back from the table. No deserts, drink water instead of tea or soft drinks, chew every bite long and slowly for best results for your secret plan. Don't even mention weight or diet to anyone as YOU are the one who cares most and will benefit from your decision to take action.
Sure, we all know people who never seem to gain weight and we wonder how they do it. My guess is you never hear the word "diet" in their conversations or worry about weight loss. However, good habits are the key to our future control, taking immediate actions rather than taking the easy way. You CAN do it! Be the envy of your friends who think YOU never seem to gain weight, let them wonder how you do it.
Are you ready to hear friends and family be surprised with your new look? We found a website with lots of good information worth knowing about. Don't be offended by it's title of "4 idiots" but learn about actions that you can add to your physical fitness plans. Check it out!

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Monday, March 5, 2012

Weight Problems? Could Unresolved Emotions Be the Underlying Cause?

When our emotions are more than we can cope with, a natural defence mechanism may come in to shut down the intensity of the feelings so that we are able to cope. Whilst this makes it easier for us at the time, it does mean that there is unresolved grief which will emerge at some point in our lives when we are more resourced. The point at which these emotions come out will depend upon our individual journey. For some they may suddenly emerge at one point, perhaps when we are more supported emotionally than we were before, and for others the unresolved emotions may reveal themselves gradually through our actions or words on a daily basis.My personal journey with grief following my sister's death when I was 12 years old was like this. The grief and grieving that I was feeling was so intense and there was no one there to guide me through it that I couldn't cope with it all and I shut down a whole heap of feelings to enable me to survive that period of my life. The fact that I wasn't feeling the true intensity of what was going on for me left me with long-term unresolved grief. When I was around 22 years old I talked with a friend about my sister's death and after listening to all the facts he simply said 'Yes, but how did you feel?' I couldn't grasp what he meant at first. I was unable to answer his question. No one had ever asked me how I felt about my sister's death before. I went home and this was when I began to realise that I was pretty numb about all that had happened at home from the time of my sister's death until I went to university.
Until this moment, until the beginning of the unpacking of the unresolved grief, my weight had been stable. I was a slim size 12 (UK size) and had only had one short bout of emotional eating at the age of 17 when a boyfriend dumped me and I gained 14lbs. But then I quickly lost that again through a food combining diet and exercise programme I put myself on for a month. Looking back, I can see that my weight began to fluctuate more in my mid-late twenties so that by the time I was about 26 I was a size 16.
Is unresolved grief leading you to emotional eating?
So what is emotional eating? My spiritual journey has brought me a good understanding of the world around me and from this I have learned for myself about my own journey with emotional eating. In paying attention to my body at those times when I want to eat when I am not hungry, perhaps when I am feeling sad about something or struggling with a stressful situation, I have come to notice that there is a painful hurt in the area of my stomach. Unable or unwilling to look at the cause of the pain because it feels overwhelming, I eat because what happens when I eat is that the food dampens the feelings, suppresses the pain that I am feeling and I am then able to cope. This is also known as 'comfort eating'.
Once I understood this simple process that was going on, that eating was a way of controlling the pain of unresolved grief, I understood why the various diets I had been on ultimately didn't work. Sure, I could lose weight, but then when the diet stopped, the weight would come back - and more! This roller coaster dieting and weight gain is a journey I have yet to master because I am still healing from my childhood journey.
So if you realise that you are succumbing to emotional eating, then see what unresolved grief there is from your life (and I 'm talking about unresolved grief not only from the loss of a loved one, but from other aspects of your life too) and begin working to resolve that.
Through Loving Transformation, Ruby Starheart provides a unique service to parents and siblings grieving the loss of a child in their family. She supports you through grief and grieving, into healing and then on to find or rediscover your passion in life and then helps you to achieve it. For more information visit:
You can start today by signing up for the FREE 5 Step Mini Email Course and Discover the 5 BEST Steps to Overcoming the Loss of a Child:

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Obesity: A Message of Good Cheer to All Who've Put on Weight This Christmas

Most adults put on two to three pounds of excess weight over the Christmas holidays. This is enough to make them feel below par and look a trifle pudgy around the waist. As a result, it's not surprising that every year one of the most popular New Year resolutions is to lose weight. This goal is rarely accomplished, largely because it's rarely thought through. It's a panic a measure which often lasts no longer than the left over turkey and mince pies. Each year people go on low-calorie diets. Today it may be the Dukan diet, in previous years the Atkins diet or Grapefruit-only diet. These crash dieting regimes have one thing in common - they don't work. Anyone can lighten their bulk by enduring a few weeks of semi-fasting, but only two per cent retain this weight loss for more than a year or two. What's needed is not a temporary switch of diet, but a permanent change in life style.Providing you're healthy, it's no bad thing to be carrying a little excess avoirdupois. Several American surveys have shown that men who were 15-20 lb heavier than their 'desirable' weight lived longer, and had 80,000 fewer premature deaths, than their thinner counterparts. Another study of 14,345 men, revealed that regardless of how much weight they gained or lost over an 11 year period, those who maintained or even improved their fitness levels lowered by at least 30 per cent their risk of dying prematurely, or succumbing to a heart attack, compared with those who'd suffered a decline in their physical condition. So for a while ignore the scales and concentrate instead on gaining health rather than losing weight. Walk more. Use the stairs rather than the lifts and escalators.
Watch less television. The average American spends five hours a day glued to the idiot's lantern. Every two hours more they spend in front of the box increases their mortality rate by 13 per cent. Rather than reach for a can of coke from the fridge, get up and make yourself a cup of tea. This carries far few calories and contains small quantities of catechins which lower the amount of cholesterol absorbed in the gut. Also make a point of getting a good night's sleep, for sleep laboratories studies show that subjects who sleep less than six hours have a tendency to gain weight and develop high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes with an accompanying 48 per cent increased risk of succumbing to a fatal heart attack.
Other popular New Year resolutions are to have more fun, suffer less stress and spend more quality time with family and friends. The pursuit of these three goals will also help you lose weight and improve your fitness ratings. Researchers at a Californian university found that people who laughed for at least half-an-hour a day - by watching comedy films or TV shows - showed a rise of more than a quarter in their levels of 'good' cholesterol. This compared favourably with the rise of just three per cent shown by in those who took standard cholesterol medication without the accompanying chuckle therapy. In the same way scientists at the University of Utah have discovered that women in turbulent marriages are significantly more likely to accumulate fat deposits around their midriffs and develop high blood pressure and raised blood sugar levels. So don't worry excessively about your weight. In the New Year set out to make gains in fitness, rather than losses in weight. But don't push your luck too far. The Sumo wrestlers take part in a daily programme of strenuous strength training, but because they're grossly obese their life expectancy is little more than 60 years, which is more than ten years less than the average Japanese male..

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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Why is high fructose corn syrup makes you fat

Corn industry their advertisers paid the American Dietetics Association, and people think high-fructose corn syrup or HFCS is natural as any other type of fructose. This is simply not true.
Corn syrup made from the grain and the fruit. The most natural, fructose is consumed fruit HFCS. It is irresponsible to think ????? chemically altered grain Act the same way as natural fruit sugar in the body. HFCS has several worries of processed foods. It is very difficult to find the food label that does not contain HFCS. Prevalence of HFCS is dismaying and bmobdim is responsible to a great extent and damage of diabetes, allergies metabolic disorders worldwide.
Although almost every processed food HFCS is found (and there are other forms of corn below), the most common method of shipment for HFCS is still fluid. This is a bad body because it is not in progress is consumed with sugar, fiber, and is therefore free to immediately be absorbed by the body. Also not stimulate insulin, leptin HFCS or grehlin body. Low insulin response leads to diabetes. Leptin grehlin work together to signal to the body that was enough to eat. Leptin works brcptorim in the brain to suppress appetite. HFCS eliminates hours after leptin production, consumption, leaving the consumer feeling of rabtaniot dependent on get satisfaction. HFCS also affects grehlin. Is hormone produced in the stomach where Grehlin signals are when a person has consumed enough food. Because HFCS inhibits two hormones, a consumer of HFCS, but hunger remains with no mechanism to inform them that they must eat enough food. It's not hard to see how this can lead to obesity.
It is misleading to compare sugar or sucrose, HFCS, but this is what the supporters want the public to believe that HFCS. They drain the ability to label HFCS as "sugar corn", playing with danger of misleading the public into thinking they are consuming sucrose instead of HFCS. Fructose converts to fat than any other type of sugar. Researchers also found that cells from lola preadipose (signs of fat cells for adults) in children may have HFCS are faster than those exposed to glucose. In fact, they matured into heavier than fat cells exposed to regular sugar. They also were more resistant to insulin.
Maize is cultivated talents
Corn is not only too-present bamazonot processed through overuse of HFCS. It occurs on corn oil, corn starch, modified food starch, oil, and thousands of other plugins. Even if a person were to avoid processed cereals, they would have to change the way they buy their meat; Most of the beef cattle being fed diets high in corn. "Grain Fed meat" is not the label that you want the consumer is led to believe.
HFCS has caused obesity, diabetes, kidney disease, osteoporosis, hypoglycemia, but what is the result of the sweeping Western nutrition corn? Overuse of any one diet always leads, allergies and sensitivities mhsorim nutritional food. When maize was introduced into the American diet, it led to pellagra, anemia and others. Maize is not a complete food. He has two or more amino acids. HFCS, like sugars, processed is of all nutrients except carbohydrates. Its consumption is high. HFCS is number one source of calories in the United States. It is interesting, considering the fats to be 250% more calories than carbohydrates.
Many people are likely to be allergic to corn, not even know it. The allergy symptoms not always anaphylactic. They show dyspepsia, inflammation, gases (increasing appearance of "fat"), an intense craving for chocolate lalergn in wax, eczema, sleep disorders, mood disorders, you treat abdominal syndrome, host of other symptoms. A good way to determine if a person is sensitive cutting of lalergn diet at least two weeks with him back to the diet, control the symptoms as they are present. To cut out of corn diet diet food upon eating strictly grass fed meat, eggs and milk, non-vegetarian fed grass. This is just as hard to remove corn to remove gluten from the diet as it is. This requires changing the whole way.
The demand for HFCS and corn also adds agriculture products and environmentally sensitive. Corn is a monoculture, which means that there are millions of acres in the United States alone dedicated to grow only one thing. It is against nature's tendency to balance through diversity. Grow corn in this way, you need to use pesticides, chemical fertilizers, irrigation often. This affects the environment, the economy and the lives of farmers in ways that are becoming harder and make as long as they are made. Often corn genetically different. GMO products is not marked, they are so new that know how much their people and the environment.
HFCS makes people fat, sick guy. Because tastes good limits the ability of the body feel full, people are letting themselves become lchbdim the body. Lobbyists can I change legislation, food manufacturers to find new ways to hide their bad, corn, HFCS and the public can do little to stop them. The real power lies not in the public holds only politics or lobbying; Their spending habits is. If the public stops buying and consuming HFCS, its producers will take note and the public, the Earth, and the economy will start to heal. For more information, visit; WholeNews.Org
Https:// feel free to visit; WholeNews.Org independent media, and alternative health blog.

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Friday, March 2, 2012

We Were All Fooled by Cholesterol and Diet!

Incredibly, when tested, just about everyone proved to have high cholesterol. This should have alerted somebody with a science or medical degree. But nobody came forward to question why a diet was suddenly necessary.How could people, who had followed a particular diet for centuries, suddenly prove to have high cholesterol? Had nature been wrong all along? How had human kind survived for centuries, with high cholesterol?
Till the 80's, the vast majority of people still stuck to the traditional diet. It was the diet that had evolved with us, as we ourselves evolved and expanded our foods over the centuries. As long as we stayed with that diet we remained slim and healthy. Not surprising when we consider that our diet was nature's own choice.
We should never forget that we are part of nature. We can adapt our hair style, our make-up, our clothes and our activities. But our body - such as our metabolism and digestive system - Does Not Adapt. It Evolves. And Evolution takes centuries, not a few decades.
Those who invented the Pyramid diet claimed it was the first ever, scientifically based health diet. It had been extensively tested and proved to cure high cholesterol and to give us better overall health. Everyone who tested for high cholesterol, were referred to the new diet, often by their own doctor.
So let's learn a little more about the pyramid diet and how it developed. In the late 70's it seemed like everybody had an idea about a new way to improve on nature. Most of these ideas never got off the kitchen table, but a few have survived to this day. One of them was The Pyramid Diet.
It was created by a group of ambitious people, who were keen to develop a niche on the fringe of medicine. They thought a popular health diet would offer them the credibility and respect they hoped to gain. They looked closely at our traditional diet.
They examined the structure and decided the best way to create a new diet, one that people could get excited about, would be to completely reverse the old diet. The pyramid diet and its link to the high cholesterol problems, gave them lots of free publicity. Soon they became the experts to ask about cholesterol.
They were now able to talk 'diet talk' with medical overtones. This further improved their status. There was no time to conduct boring tests and in any case, these people were not qualified to conduct tests.
Again, not one person asked what this reversal of our diet would do to our body. After all, it is our body has the job of breaking down and processing our food. All we have to do ourselves is to eat it.
Common sense suggests that a reversal of food would have been a big shock to the body. New indigestible foods would have at least caused some damage. Today, that damage can be seen all around us. Everybody is getting fat!
Unfortunately, in those days, people no longer cared. They now had new foods, and a fixed diet to follow. They would no longer have to worry about cholesterol and diet. Few people would have given their own body a kind thought. None of them would have expected weight problems. That only happened to sick people. So why did almost everybody have high cholesterol?
They didn't, the test results were wrong - in every single case - for close to thirty years. Only in recent times was the test method corrected. To this day, we can still find the odd facility that have been reluctant to admit they were wrong and may still use the faulty method. I won't explain the nature of the error here. But you can find out all about it in Google search, by typing in HDL LDL ratio.
The fact is there never was an epidemic of high cholesterol, just an incompetent error when the tests were made. Instead of fixing a fake cholesterol and diet epidemic, as the 'experts' claimed. The pyramid diet laid the foundation for carbohydrate addiction and the obesity epidemic we experience today.
My name is Kirsten plotkin. I am a writer and author of two books about the real reason we have an obesity epidemic today
The Carbohydrate Addicts Manual
Kirsten Plotkin
Goldcoast, Queensland, Australia,
+617 5593 6363
Find me on Facebook

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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Some Startling Facts About Obesity

What is obesity?There is a difference between being overweight and being obese. People who are overweight may be heavier than the average person for their height due to an overabundance of muscle, particularly dense bone structure, water weight, and also fat. People who are obese, on the other hand, are simply carrying an excessive amount of fatty tissue. About a third of US citizens are overweight, and about a third are obese.
The body structure of an obese man consists of twenty-five percent fatty tissue. That of an obese woman consists of thirty percent fatty tissue. The percentage of fatty tissue per body weight is determined by a formula known as the Body Mass Index or BMI. This formula determines the ratio of fatty tissue to muscular, bone and other tissue in the total makeup of the body but other factors such as gender must also be considered.

Why is obesity a problem?
Obesity is far more than simply an aesthetic problem. Severe and morbid obesity presents serious health problems that have become epidemic in proportions in many parts of the world. In fact, complications arising from obesity cause more deaths annually in the US than any other single factor other than the use of tobacco products. People who suffer from severe and morbid obesity can expect:
* A higher tendency to develop osteoarthritis in the hips, knees, ankles and feet,
* A higher risk of developing non-insulin dependent diabetes,
* Depression and a variety of other psychological disorders,
* A higher risk of developing some kinds of cancers,
* Sterility and reproductive disorders,
* Sleep disorders and sleep apnea,
* High blood pressure,
* Heart disease,
* Gall Stones,
* And more.
Obesity causes significant stress to the individuals who experience it, their families, and the society in which we live. Treating the constellation of health problems that usually develop from being obese is costly and challenging. The National Institute of Health reports that 300,000 people die annually due to obesity related illness. For these reasons, effective methods of treatment and prevention must be found.

What causes obesity?
Obesity is caused by a combination of factors. Heredity comes into play, as well as other conditions such as thyroid disorders. Some kinds of medications can cause a person to gain weight significantly. However, more than anything else, obesity is caused by the combination of an inactive lifestyle and a poor, high calorie, highly processed diet.

What can be done about obesity?
Although there are medical procedures that can be used to treat obesity (e.g. Roux-en-Y gastric by-pass and Lap Band surgery) it is highly advisable that all natural courses of treatment be pursued before surgical intervention is explored. People who are obese should be encouraged by their physicians and family to seek gradual exercise and gradual changes in nutritional habits. Psychological, behavioral and/or pharmaceutical intervention may be advised.
Weight loss for people who are severely or morbidly obese may take a very long time since the person did not gain the weight overnight; however, by committing to making consistent changes in lifestyle and diet, a lasting transformation may be obtained.
Dr. Gladys Alvarez has done what thousands of interested people were hoping for; the legwork concerning weight loss and health issues. With many years experience in the medical field and through extensive research, she has eliminated all the hype out of the Losing Weight programs that are in the market today, presenting you with only the very best. With many years experience as a Correspondent who has traveled worldwide, and experienced first hand the different styles of nutrition in diverse countries. Gladys encourages you to visit her

website at TODAY!
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