Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Obesity Means Too Much Body Fat - But How Much Is Too Much? Read These 5 Typical Causes

Obesity means that there is too much body fat. All human beings need some amount of fat for storing energy, keeping the body warm, metabolizing certain vitamins, and many other functions. The healthy percentage of body fat for men is between 18% and 23%; for women, it should be between 25 and 30%. Percentages beyond these limits earns us a diagnosis of overweight or obesity.Obesity is a national epidemic, meaning it is widespread, out of control, and there is no end in sight. So, what's going on? What has happened in the past few decades to account for the fact that two-thirds of adults and at least half of our children are overweight?
Look at the 5 most typical causes of obesity:
1. Sleep deprivation. We are a nation of "busy bees". Who has time to sleep anyway? Right? Wrong! The hormone "leptin", regulates perceptions of hunger. It is produced during sleep. If we have an inadequate amount of leptin in our bloodstream we are likely to feel hungry more frequently (the fact that if we're up late at night we're probably "grazing" which doesn't help the matter either).
2. Stress. We're a nation of stressed out "busy bees"! "Cortisol" is another hormone which comes into play in times of stress. Stress is likely to put us in an internal state of survival mode which tells us a crisis is coming and we'd better fuel up for it (also, the types of foods we usually reach for during stress are "comfort foods" which are typically high calorie, high fat).
3. Time pressure. Many of us feel "behind" from the time we get up in the morning until we go to bed. Who has time to cook? Fast food restaurants with their high fat, high sodium, high calorie, high sugar offerings seem to offer engraved invitations as we pass by on our way home from work.
4. Medications. Some of the drugs which are commonly taken during the times in which we live are also associated with possible weight gain. Antidepressants, anti-inflammatory agents such as steroids, drugs for mood disorders and diabetes, along with many other classes may be at the bottom of weight gain.
5. Hormonal conditions. Some underlying medical conditions may contribute to weight gain. Anything that interferes with hormone regulation, such as low thyroid function, menopause, adrenal disorders, and polycystic ovarian disease can cause weight gain.
What can be done? First of all, if you suspect your medication may be cause for weight gain, do NOT, under any circumstances, stop taking the medication without your doctor's approval. If you do, you may be putting yourself at great peril. Even if your doctor agrees that you can stop the meds, many drugs (such as cortisone) require weaning off of them, rather than stopping them abruptly. Also, some drugs have acceptable substitutes which may not have the same effect on your weight.
Sue Bristol, R.N. specific advice on what you can do about obesity
Here's the "Secret Weight Loss Diet" that virtually EVERY successful dieter uses. (Whether or not they are even aware of it!)
Get your Free e-book, which will give you the "Weight Loss Secret" You don't need to be overweight: Learn how to lose weight in a scientific and effective way.

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Survival of the Fattest

To some ancestor of man long ago decided to be cool to go straight, all the way to today, a leading cause of death was starvation. (Though, in certain parts of the world, it still is). Unable to start wars, plague match count of the body. So what is mother earth do to protect her children? Easy. Teach them to eat it when they see it, to encourage them to like to eat things most effectively will package blirot.
There's a reason we prefer to keep cookie chocolate chip more carrot stick. We have 20,000 years of evolution behind us, where people with a taste of high fat, high calorie foods and more like thin and hungry survived carrot-stick, and managed to recover and bring children to maturity, insuring their genes passed away. We regularly eat this way.
As soon as we get under our steam, we start putting things in our mouths, hoping for a good result. Our taste is quite early and. As a young child's mother tells you that there were some foods back out of the mouth as soon as they were spooned. My son, each plant was (but not all high-sugar vegetable vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots, and even the poor were received with joy). But oh, the day when that first French FRY or pizza bites your way. "There is no chance.
Without a doubt, I can affect our brain chemistry. Look at most people's of hard barion "food" is a high-carb, high fat, or both. Macaroni, cheese, mashed potatoes, Gravy (heck, anything, gravy), Bacon sandwiches ... Well, I'm making myself hungry now. But we do not close these foods just because we remember my mother making them to us, we are close to them, because our brains tell us that these foods make us happy, no matter how bad our already, regardless of the number on a scale this disgusting bathrooms. It is not a character flaw; Mother nature is trying to put winter jacket we would see us through frost.
Unfortunately, now that most of the developed world does not have to worry about for the winter, mother nature is out of options. The engine of evolution will not be able to help us to reset our tastes this time. Although we are beginning to see the first recorded decline in life expectancy, especially due to baaistoria obesity, people simply aren't dying early enough to affect change our ways. People who die from obesity-related health problems and rarely die before they have chance to duplicate and move on their gardens-fat laildim.
The good news is, those years 20,000 evolution gave us a higher brain function. It drives people learn what to do in Hi-fat our long-term health, even if he does not kill us before we restore. Most importantly, it allows us to control the amount of fatty material and we take this fascinating almost. I said almost. We can resist, we just don't like. And we don't have, at least not all the time. Chocolate cookies are poison. If you embed the Brussels sprouts and butter or hollandaise sauce, you may also find them eating chocolate chip cookie. Just remember that you should download the winter coat of the spring.
Lang abby accountants, brings this perspective the question of the weight. You can optimize lifestyle nutrition & weight management by similar behaviors that optimize the money. Wallis Simpson once said: "a woman cannot be too rich or too thin." I'm not a fan of Duchess, of course, be too rich, too thin. But if you want to be a little bit thin and rich diet of laughter, food for thought, vlatmchr and crumbling, this Web site is for you. Join us on

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Obesity Is Really Widespread

One who stuffeths.. PUFFETHs. He who indulges.. BULGESLet's talk about obesity today, class. How many of you are overweight? Are you obese or just fat? Are you heavy, husky, big-boned, pleasantly plump, flabby, wishy-washy, huge, horizontally challenged, big, large, extra large?? EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA LARGE?!?!
Here's some stats for ya: 2/3 of the United States population is- WHO CARES!! We get that America is obese. It's a given. But it's not about how many other people are fat. The fact is, YOU are fat and you need to do something about it.
Slow Down.. Wait, can you slow down?
I don't think you can get any slower. You haven't been to the gym in weeks!..what's that?.. Months!?!
Alright, get out.
Don't blame it on genetics either. Excuses are like spoon fulls of cottage cheese: fat people have them (on their thighs and neck), while healthy people eat them for breakfast.
Maybe I've offended you. You came here looking for some help, a shoulder to lean on in this time of "I have NEVER weighed this much in my entire life". I know. But I'm not going to tell you everything is going to be okay. When people stop caring about their health, their weight, their hygiene, and their smell, people die.
Heart disease (AKA HartDZ), cancer, high blood pressure, kidney failure, herpies. Ever heard of them? Well if you don't get your act together and quit with the doughnuts, McGriddles, and Curly fries, you will not be able to escape the scary truth that your life is now a ticking time bomb.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst, for they are sticking to their diets.
Okay class, time to talk about portions.
Are you aware that when you go out to eat you order a plate that has more food on it than a child in Siberia eats in an entire year? You could feed 4 children, two teenagers, and 1 adult FOR A MONTH with that appetizer, entree, and dessert you and your accomplice enjoyed last weekend.
But seriously, you should eat less.
Let's get real for a second. Cutting back on your portions is important and it's not that difficult. Do it in baby steps. When you go out to eat with your spouse or a friend, instead of you both getting the xtra large combo, have one person get the combo, and you just get the sandwich and share the fries and the drink. Dine in and get unlimited refills for crying out loud! How hard is that? Now you won't be tempted to eat an entire bucket of fries yourself.
If you continually cut back on your portion sizes, soon you will have a tortilla for lunch and be stuffed. You won't rely on a triple burger and a chocolate shake to fill that enormous tummy of yours.
Diet and Exercise are like Cookies and Milk
Class, now that we've established the fact that your eating habits are cause for concern, it's time to talk about exercise. If you are dieting but not exercising, you can say goodbye to all of your hopes and dreams of being less fat.
I say that because a lot of you will turn to the HCG diet or Atkins diet or something stupid like that. You will rely on some secret formula to get rid of all your heavy problems.
Well, that ain't gonna cut it.
Only eating 300 calories a day will definitely cause you to lose weight. It will also cause you to go into some nasty weight cycles and your stomach will begin eating itself. You don't want that.
The trick is not to starve yourself, but to only eat healthy foods and to do so as you exercise frequently.
Class dismissed.
Nate Armstrong writes health and fitness articles. He is a True Fitness Fanatic and recommends running on a Nordictrack treadmill to lose weight.

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Weight Loss Help - Drugs Are Making You Fat

In the earlier part of the 20th century, before 1950, less than 10% of the American population was fat or overweight, and there was no such thing as obesity. Also back then, less than 5% of people took medications or drugs of any kind on a regular basis. Today 70% of Americans take them regularly.It could be aspirin, high blood pressure medicine, drugs for acid reflux, diabetes and many, many others. We are a drug taking, pill popping nation! It's a shame because every drug that is man-made, that is manufactured and marketed by pharmaceutical companies, have been proven to lead to weight gain and obesity. Even the drugs you may be on for obesity or any weight loss diet will, in the long term make you fatter.
Not only that, drugs, whether prescription or non-prescription can cause illness, disease, addiction, more medical symptoms. All drugs have negative side effects and the more you take the sicker you will become because while that drug is reducing a symptom, it's actually causing another one to develop. Your doctor will prescribe yet another drug for the new problem and on it goes.
Sadly, the majority of our western doctors aren't trained to cure us, they're taught how to treat symptoms for disorders that develop by prescribing drugs. This is an excellent system, if you are in the pharmaceutical drug or medical business that is, for the rest of us it really sucks.
Drugs cause organs to malfunction, the colon and liver to clog up and get sluggish, the pancreas stops producing insulin, the arteries get hardened and blood vessels get clogged. Our human body is not made to take drugs on a daily basis.
People take antibiotics that will have no effect on viruses. The American government estimated that one half of the one hundred million prescriptions for antibiotics written by doctors every year were unnecessary.
When something like a colon, or a liver, or a pancreas start to be dysfunctional you will gain weigh, if all these don't work properly, forget about it!
If you're on medication for something, there's probably a natural way to cure it either through a dietary change, combined with other techniques, but the most important thing is to stop taking the drugs otherwise you will always be fat and sick.
Get more natural weight loss help and learn from our independent research about natural weight loss supplements, the good, the bad and the dangerous!
visit where we share information based on independent, and thorough research on one of our most important subjects; safe and natural weight loss.

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Why Are Children Overweight?

So far I have written articles giving you information about being overweight and what to do about losing those unwanted pounds.Now comes the time for me to write and inform those of us who have children how to proceed in order to avoid the overweight pit falls with our children.
But first, let me tell you that in the last two decades in the US, not only do we have one out of every five children are overweight or obese, but unfortunately this number has grown by over 50% and those who are obese has nearly doubled. With the age of computers, have come the age of being sedentary; seating in front of a TV when they come from school for hours on end, instead of playing outside, exercising, bicycle riding when and where ever possible, playing basket ball and so on.
Most children of today are already beginning to have their arteries clogged with fat and cholesterol from all the wrong foods we feed them, believe it or not. Children who have overweight parents are more likely to become overweight themselves, how could they not, they are eating the same foods their parents are. Children who have one parent who is overweight or obese, have a 40 percent probability that they also will become overweight or obese; if both parents are obese, then the percentage doubles to 80 percent.
Remember, our children do not have credit cards, they are not the ones who buy the junk food, the boxed cereals, the candy, the cakes, the cookies... shall I go on? What about the processed meats including those hot dogs that we love to give them because they are an easy meal. Do we realize these meats are loaded with fat, sodium, nitrites used to enhance the color of the meats and prolong their shelve life? And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
We are embarrassed or reluctant when buying food to tell our kids they are better off eating fruit rather than cereals loaded with sugars when they are having a fit over that box that has the toy in it or offer of one.
If our children are overweight, we as parents are the enablers, because it is our responsibility to teach them about nutrition, about eating vegetables, fruits and grains, so they will develop a healthy eating habit as they grow. Start with those lunches for school, include fruits rather than cookies, sandwiches with lean natural meats without chemicals, they can drink milk in school rather than juices with too much sugar. Try it before it's too late to train them.
We learn early in life that food is for all kinds of comfort. We teach our kids that sodas and sweets are to celebrate and vegetables are a punishment when early in life we should start feeding them those healthy foods so that it will become as natural to them as the air they breathe.
Don't forget that being overweight or obese will bring, in addition to health problems, issues related to their self image. Children in school tend to call them names, make fun of them, and humiliate them. It is important to avoid this route at all cost.
Best of health to you and your family.
Dr. Gladys Alvarez has done what millions of interested people were hoping for; the legwork concerning weight loss and health issues. With 45 years experience in the health, fitness and weight loss fields; and through extensive research and studies in nutrition, she has finally eliminated all the hype out of the losing weight plans that are in the online weight loss programs, presenting you with only the very best, as a correspondent who has traveled world wide and experienced first hand the different styles of nutrition in diverse countries. For more information on health issues, nutrition and weight loss, please visit her website to receive your FREE videos at TODAY!

Copyright (c) All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Obesity Is Epidemic

Obesity is becoming an epidemic and is a huge problem in the United States today. It is caused from the accumulation of excess body fat. It is destructive to our health and has proven to decrease our life expectancy. It is related to many different health conditions. To determine obesity, body mass index is the standard measurement that is used today. It compares a person's height and weight to help determine if a person is over or under weight.Obesity is strongly associated with type 2 diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis and certain types of cancer. It is understood that the main cause for obesity is eating excess quantities of food and not getting enough exercise. There is little support to the belief that certain people gain weight while eating little because of a slow metabolism.
To effectively combat obesity, it is important to eat a healthy diet while limiting the amount of calories you consume. You should avoid foods that are high in fat or sugars. Simple carbohydrates should also be avoided when possible as these are easily converted into fat in the body.
Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables will help give your body more fiber which is effective in preventing obesity. Fiber helps you to feel full and helps to prevent food from being turned into fat in the body. Whole grains are also a good source of fiber. Obesity is becoming epidemic and has been increasing in adults and children over the past several years.
BMI, or body mass index, has proven to be an effective way in measuring obesity. It is measured by dividing the mass of a person by the square of their height. The US or imperial method for defining a person's BMI is calculated by multiplying your weight in pounds by 703 and then dividing it by your height in inches squared. Definitions of BMI were developed by the World Health Organization in 1997. If you score higher than 30, you are considered obese. If you score higher than 35, you are considered to be severely obese.
Major studies have determined that obesity is associated with a decrease in life expectancy. Obesity is attributed mostly due to a sedentary lifestyle and consuming too many calories. Research has demonstrated that most of these calories come from eating too many carbohydrates rather than fats. It has been determined that these extra calories often come from sweetened beverages and potato chips.
- Nathan Leavitt DC
Dr. Leavitt has been a licensed chiropractic physician since 2003. He currently resides in Knoxville, TN His deepest commitment is to help improve the health and quality of life of others. To learn more effective ways to improve your health naturally go here: knoxville chiropractors
You can also see patient reviews and see where Dr. Leavitt's clinic is located by clicking here: knoxville chiropractors

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Friday, February 24, 2012

Why You're Fat

This is today's question that everyone is dying to know. The statistics of obese people are reaching ground breaking records and need to seriously be looked at as a society. Being obese is a disease but there are many people still overweight, are constantly suffering from allergies, have cellulite, and are always sick with something!All of these issues have nothing to do with your environment, your genetics, or any other excuse you'd like to point your finger to; it is because your body is overly acidic! Acidic means the PH of your blood not having "heartburn." Your bodily fluid is measured on a PH level of 1-14, with below 7 being acidic to above being alkaline. The healthy state is anywhere between 7.35-7.45 is optimal. This may be getting into too much detail so let me just keep it in plain simple terms and explain the reason people are overweight. The issue at hand is that you are consuming too many foods that are acidic to your body and making you overweight.
The S.A.D diet which is the Standard American Diet is very acidic to the body. Foods that the standard North American consumes are cereals, breads, fruit cups, sugary snacks, deli meats, and steaks. These are foods that will bring your body's PH to a more acidic level also causing weight gain, allergies, cellulite, and a weak immune system.
When looking on the flip side, whole foods like fruits, veggies, and legumes are much more alkalizing to the body. These foods purify and help the body stay energized and maintain in a healthy state. The importance of consuming foods that are alkaline will improve weight issues along with any other issues drastically.
Now to be in a healthy state, you do not want to just eat foods that are alkalizing but some that may be acidic to keep you in perfect balance. In my nutrition books and in school, they state to bring yourself to health by eating 80% alkaline foods like greens, fruits, and seeds should be consumed; and 20% acid forming foods like grains and legumes and meat for the meat eaters. When eating majority of the week this way it gives you time to consume your favorite foods later on in the weekend and able to bring your body back in to balance after you have consumed highly acidic foods. Once you can learn to control this everything else will start to fix itself and whenever you need guidance seek an expert holistic nutritionist to naturally guide you to the best state of health that you can be!
To your perfect balance,
Jennifer Colalillo

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

What Is Obesity and Why Is It So Dangerous?

The word obesity is thrown around a lot today, especially in relation to the affluent lifestyles that are typical in the Western world. More money means more food, and it has now gotten to the point where more money means too much food; according a recent data collected by the BBC, between 30-40% of adults in England and America are considered obese, but it is a problem that is everywhere. Obesity is especially alarming because it now affects children-the Australian government claims that about 25% of children in Australia are obese.Obesity is a major public health threat and it is important to understand both how it affects people and how it can be avoided in order to get people back on track and living healthier lifestyles. Let's take a closer look at obesity and its causes in order to better understand why it is so dangerous.

What is obesity?
Obesity is the abnormal accumulation of excessive body fat that leads to health problems. Obesity can be measured by a person's body mass index (BMI). To determine this number, a person must divide their weight in kilograms by the square of his or her height in metres. A BMI of 30 or higher indicates that a person is obese.
Obesity is caused conjointly by inactive lifestyles with poor diets. There are certain genetic conditions that can lead to obesity, but the majority of obese people in the modern world carry excessive weight due to lifestyle choices. Fast food, sugar, trans fat, and starches have become dietary staples across the West, and these are the primary foods that lead to excessive weight gain. Coupled with the fact that many people drive cars and do not get regular exercise, obesity rates are rising at an alarming rate. It is particularly disturbing that the obesity trend is increasing among children, because obesity is a dangerous condition that comes with many serious health threats.

Why is obesity dangerous?
Obesity is dangerous because it is a gateway health problem: it leads to many more serious physical ailments. Some of the health problems associated with obesity includes diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and even cancer. Obesity is dangerous because it leads directly to life-threatening illnesses.
Obesity puts strain on the body's circulatory system, muscles, and bones. It makes people lethargic, and this inactivity can also lead to depression-physical activity is a major booster of serotonin and a natural anti-depressant. So obesity can lead to mental health problems as well as physical problems.
Obesity is a real and dangerous health problem that is confronting the modern world. Development has made life easier for humans, and it has made it easier for us to indulge our appetites-physically as well as materially-to excess. The good news is that avoiding obesity is pretty simple: eat healthy and exercise. You don't have to deny yourself the treats of life, but you don't have to go overboard either.

About the Author
Maureen Hamilton is an Integrated Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner, Hypnotherapist and a Demartini Method Facilitator. Maureen has previously worked in many areas of health in Australia as well as overseas. Her health background includes training in general and midwifery nursing, mental health and children's behavioural issues (including the effects of emotional trauma especially in children). Maureen is very much involved in promoting and assisting people to obtain optimal health and is absolutely committed to helping people to stop smoking and/or lose weight naturally using Hypnosis and NLP. If you would like to find out more, visit and and talk to Maureen about your requirements.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Truth About Fast Food and Obesity

OK. So, you have heard rumors before about how the hamburgers in fast food restaurants are made, but have you ever taken the time to really research the subject? Well, I have done it for you and allow me to tell you, I have not had a fast food hamburger in eons, nor have I fed them to my family.In today's "time crunch" society, one out of every four Americans eats at a fast food place. We reward our children by taking them to eat at a fast food place so they can get their "free" toy; but did you also know that approximately in the past 30 years the percentage of obese people has doubled?
We forget for some reason, that our children's arteries can suffer the same damage as ours, we seem to think that because they are young they are immune to health issues. I have seen children who basically live off fried foods have an extremely high cholesterol lab result, always supported by their parents.
One of American's great staple, besides the hot dog, is the hamburger! The fast food places advertise being cheap and with the serious economic condition of the great majority of the population, that is the place to go; but, studies have shown that low income families that frequent fast food places are more likely to turn obese, this is due to the high fat, high sodium, high sugar contents that those hamburgers are carrying.
Are you also aware that those hamburgers are made up of byproducts or do you think that the hooves, ears, heads and whatnot's of the cattle are disposed of? Think again.
Now, regarding those patties, although they come from cattle, the meat from those cattle may originate in foreign countries in South American and travel their way up gathering a mixture of meats from different countries until it reaches the US. It's no wonder that sometimes those patties will be contaminated with e-coli or salmonella.
We know for a fact that people who become vegetarians have a lower mortality rate than those who are eating highly saturated fats, animal protein, high sodium content and processed meats.
If we learn to eat properly, we can get the nutrients our bodies need from fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and nuts. Studies keep showing us that it is not about "dieting" it is not about a fad; it is about changing our lifestyle so we can live longer, healthier and happier life's.
Dr. Gladys Alvarez has done what millions of interested people were hoping for; the legwork concerning weight loss and health issues. With 45 years experience in the health, fitness and weight loss fields; and through extensive research, she has finally eliminated all the hype out of the losing weight plans that are in the online weight loss programs, presenting you with only the very best. As a correspondent who has traveled world wide and experienced first hand the different styles of nutrition in diverse countries. For more information on health issues and weight loss, please visit her website at TODAY!

Copyright (c) All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Obesity Rates Have Risen Threefold In The Last Two Decades

Obesity has been a growing concern for both the developing and fist-world countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) has already indicated obesity as a "global epidemic." Data obtained after extensive research and surveys show that obesity has seen about threefold upsurge in just 20 years.The WHO has also put forth in 2004 that obesity affects more people than even malnutrition and hunger. According to an estimate, more than one billion adults out of the total world population are obese and are suffering from obesity-related problems. In the latest Health Survey for England, it is estimated that nearly one in four adults and about one in ten children is suffering from obesity. It has also been forecast that if no action is taken then by 2050, 60% of men, 50% of women, and 25% of children will be obese.

Causes of obesity
Mostly, obesity is caused by consuming more calories than what the body requires. These extra calories are stored in the body as fat. In particular, fast foods and reduced physical activities can be blamed for a sudden upsurge in the rate of obesity. Foods rich in fats and sugar are easily available and are known for their tastiness. Portion sizes are also a major contributing factor leading to obesity.
Sedentary lifestyle pattern can lead to reduced physical activities. People are getting used to lifestyle patterns in which things are easily available at their fingertips without much physical exertion. We are increasingly getting dependent on technology and many new discoveries have made our lives simpler than ever before. As a result, the calories consumed by us exceed the calories burnt.

Set your goal to lose weight
Setting a goal in life can give you a clear direction towards achieving your target. Weight loss is no exception to this notion. If you are looking forward to lose weight without any set goal, it would be difficult for you to notice any significant positive effect in the short term. Certain lifestyle changes are necessary in order to strengthen your willingness to achieve the desired weight loss. Chances are high that you would make plans and stick to them to attain your weight loss goal. An individual's commitment and effort towards weight loss are the biggest driving force that can help you achieve positive results. Body mass index (BMI) is an effective way to determine your weight profile. It lets you determine if you are overweight or obese. BMI calculators available online are user-friendly and ask you to provide your height and weight.

Slimming pills for effective weight loss
For many obese people seeking an effective obesity treatment, balanced diet and regular exercise alone may not be enough to lose weight. Slimming pills are considered effective in weight loss treatment. Xenical is a prescription medication that belongs to the class of fat-blocking slimming pills. Orlistat is the active ingredient in Xenical. This drug can prevent absorption of up to 30% of dietary fat in the body. These diet pills basically block the action of an enzyme known as lipase, which breaks fat into smaller parts in the stomach to help in absorption of food. Xenical works in tandem with regular exercise and balanced diet. Obesity is now seen as a collective problem rather than an isolated health issue. So effective treatment and management is needed to defeat obesity.
The data collected in a research for the last two decades has shown that the obese population has shown a threefold jump. Go through our health blog to know what the WHO has to say about obesity and the role of slimming pills in treating this condition at Expert Medical Advice

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Sex: A Mountain to Climb When You're Overweight

Sexual intercourse is an energetic occupation, whether it's a vigorous romp in the hay or a refined coupling in the missionary position. Metabolic studies show that on average it uses up about 200 calories, which makes it as physically demanding as a thirty minute stint of jogging. This makes it an excellent way to keeping in shape. Some years ago a reporter asked the film star Ursula Andress how she managed to maintain her sylph-like figure, to which the Swiss sex symbol replied: 'Loving keeps me slim.' That's one of the unfortunate side effects of carrying excess weight, that it often acts as a barrier to sexual intercourse. For corpulent people, the spirit is often willing while the flesh is weak. This same problem is suffered by other animal species, according to the managers of a zoo in eastern China, who had to put their caged tigers, leopards and lions on a strict get-fit routine when they found they were showing a 'lowering ability to breed as a result of obesity.'Researchers at the John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore have found the same tendency in humans. They carried out interviews, and pre-medical examinations, on a small group of obese men and women who were about to undergo an intestinal bypass. The patients - thirteen men and ten women - were questioned about their sex lives, body image, libidinal drives and sexual functioning. The results revealed that there was little or no decline in their sexual appetite. The women had no trouble getting an orgasm, and the men's sexual drive and performance remained unchanged, apart from two who declared that they had occasional potency problems. But what plagued the entire group was the sheer mechanical difficulties they faced. Because of their bulk, they found it difficult to find a position in which they could enjoy easy sexual union. As several explained, their paunches 'got in the way'. Lack of stamina and shortness of breath were other frequent problem. The major finding, however, was that however amorous they felt they were all reluctant to take of their clothes and reveal their unsightly bodies All 23 were recorded as having 'markedly negative feelings' about their body and admitted that they were ashamed of their appearance.
The remedy is clear. Everyone ought to be able to enjoy an active sex life. If obesity makes this difficult, enough surplus fat should be shed to permit comfortable coupling. This should be done by making gradual life style changes, rather than by crash dieting. The body's fat tissues provide a store for sex hormones, which is why a general reduction in adipose tissue frequently leads to a decline in sexual function. This explains why anorexic girls, and sometimes excessively skinny ballerinas, tend to suffer a fall in oestrogen levels, missed periods and reduced fertility. With regard to sexual performance, it's undoubtedly better for a woman to be overweight than underweight. This was shown by researchers at the Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago, who tested a group of women using scales which measured their sexual readiness and erotic excitability. Using these yardsticks they found that mildly overweight women outscored their skinny counterparts by a factor of almost two to one. So don't try to soup up your sex life by crash dieting, one trial having shown that women often stop masturbating and having sexual fantasies when they reduce their energy intake to 1,700 calories a day - which is 500 more than that provided by the Beverly Hills Diet.

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Killing of Our Youth

The obesity epidemic is tearing down our youth in today's society. According to an article in Time Magazine, children and adolescents who are overweight and obese have a tenfold increase in the chance of becoming obese adults. This fact alone is startling enough to increase the amounts of Physical Education and sport options that are available. Where should the target be placed in order to solve the severe obesity epidemic we are experiencing at this time?I believe it is a combination of the media, the availability of fast food, the under-education of our society in nutrition and health, and the cutting of sports from the middle and high schools. The media has brought wide spread attention to this issue but it does not seem like the schools or communities are implementing the right changes. Should we be placing all of the blame on fast food companies or are we, as citizens, not taking the steps to make sure we are educated. Obtaining knowledge of nutrition and exercise allows us to make healthy food choices.
The media and fast food restaurants are in part to blame. This is very evident by the amount of commercials for fast food you will see when watching almost any television program. Although it does not help the obesity epidemic, the fast food companies are merely businesses striving to earn you as a customer. I believe the entities that are too blame the most are the educational establishments. If both adults and children were educated in the way food was constructed at fast food restaurants compared to food that is prepared at home, there would be a change. Every year more teaching positions are being cut. In many cases, it is a Physical Education or Health position.
Physical Education and Health are always one of the first areas that are looked at when a school must cut money from the budget. What does this say about the priorities of our country? It says that the health of our youth is at the bottom of our schools list. It is time that our schools start placing the health of its students at the top of their list even if it is not good for the bottom line. Having a good bill of health is priceless.
Without their health, our youth will not be able to put to use all the Math and English they are learning.
About the Author: Michael P. McCoy is currently the CEO of Sport Directions. You can find out more information about me and my company at Sport Directions is a premiere sports event management and fundraising company. Our goal at Sport Directions is to bring communities back to life through the use of community events that can involve everyone in some way. Check out our website listed above for more information on our services and to subscribe to our monthly newsletter on health, fitness, and nutrition.

© 2011 Sport Directions. All Rights Reserved.

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Overcome Obesity - An Epidemic Explained

Obesity is a risk factor for so many serious health problems that it has been declared a chronic disease in its own right. In the United States, more than 75% percent of obese people suffer at least one other major health problem, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, some cancers, respiratory problems, or other difficulties. But despite this toll, the ranks of the dangerously overweight have gone up by 50 percent in the past 20 years.Experts say that there's more obesity partly because most people exercise infrequently, and labor-saving devices and entertainment such as computers and television have helped make us increasingly sedentary. We're also eating more packaged, processed, and fast foods that are high in fat and calories. One sign of this is a trend toward "colossal cuisine," with portion sizes for many foods, notably hamburgers and sodas, often double or more what was typical two decades ago. Ironically, some studies suggest that Americans are including less fat in their diets. Some experts say that this is small consolation because we're eating much more of everything, so the absolute amount of fat consumed is still going up.
Obesity is a complex disorder with a combination of causes. One theory suggests that your body determines and works to maintain a set point for weight that makes any effort to lose and maintain weight difficult. Thus, while obesity in Americans is caused largely by what and how we eat, it is also governed to some degree by genetics, by an intricate system of chemical signals that tell the body when it's hungry and when it's not, and by social or psychological factors.
Some people assume that obesity is all due to genetics and other uncontrollable factors. Genetics plays a role, but there's a great deal you can do to work toward a healthier weight. In fact, experts say that the pounds you lose first have the greatest impact on improving overall health. It's wise to start by taking small steps and building on success with these strategies:
Balance Calories--Crash diets make the body think it's starving, so it actually conserves calories. You must eat, but what? Experts say it's important to get a healthy balance of foods: The bulk of your daily calories (about 60 percent) should come from complex carbohydrates such as whole-wheat pasta, potatoes, and brown rice. Fat should account for no more than 30 percent of the diet.
Control Portions--How much you eat is just as important as what you eat. As a rule, aim for small portions of many different foods; studies find that variety will help make you feel satisfied more quickly, especially if you're eating healthy vegetables. Note that the USDA Food Guide Pyramid's suggestions for serving sizes in a healthy, balanced diet tend to be quite small: a single slice of bread, for example, or 1/2 cup of raw or cooked vegetables. Keep in mind that contrary to what you may have been told as a child, you really don't have to eat everything on your plate.
Dine Out Wisely--When eating out, order an appetizer as your entree: Often, appetizer fare is portioned large enough to make a decent meal. If you do order off the main menu, share dishes to avoid eating more than half. Order dishes that combine ingredients such as cut-up meat with a variety of vegetables, and resist the temptation to order lots of different dishes--too much sampling may lead to overeating. Be sure to ask for a pitcher of water on the table: Studies have found that the "I'm thirsty" signal that the brain sends out is often mistaken for "I'm hungry."
Graze--Eating several small meals or snacks throughout the day instead of "three square" can help you keep hunger at bay. At work, home, or when traveling, keep portions of baby carrots, berries, raisins, graham or animal crackers, and other healthful treats within easy reach.
Respectfully submitted by Idaline Hall. For more useful insider weight loss tips you might find informative, visit:

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Friday, February 17, 2012

The Causes of Obesity And How To Lose Weight Fast

Obesity is a medical disorder in which the body has accumulated too much body fat, which may cause adverse effects to the body. Obesity increases the threat of having other diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, and specific types of cancer. Obesity is a result of many factors. These factors include family history or genetics, slow metabolism, lifestyle habits, too much food intake, and lack of exercise.The main reason why people become obese is that they take in more calories than what is required by the body on daily basis. The unused calories will be converted into fat. If this continues for a long period of time, it will lead to obesity.
Since obesity exposes a person to many risks in diseases, losing weight can help. An obese person should learn how to make permanent changes in their diet in order to solve weight problems. Here are some foods to avoid in order to lose weight:
• fatty foods such as margarines, butter, meat products, and fried foods
• foods with high salt and sugar content
• alcohol
How can you lose weight fast? Well, here are several suggestions for you to lose weight and get rid of obesity.
1. Have a water diet. This diet involves drinking a total of 64 fluid ounces of cold water at regular intervals. Drink a glass of water before eating your meal or your snack. This is done to suppress your appetite by making you feel full. There should be no sweeteners added to water and meals should not be replaced with water.
2. Have a juice detox diet. This kind of diet generally lasts for one to three days. Only fruit and vegetable juices can be taken during this diet. The juices will flush out toxins and eliminate pound of water weight from your body.
3. Have a cabbage soup diet. This kind of diet is said to make you lose as much as 10 pounds in your weight for one week.
4. Have the salt-free diet. In this kind of diet, you are not allowed to eat anything salty. This diet helps you lose water weight by eliminating water retention in the body.
5. Develop a healthful personalized meal plan. Figure out how much you will be eating in each meal and choose meals that have healthy balance of fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy and whole grains. You should do the planning in advance to avoid eating high-calorie foods.
6. Don't skip meals. Eating a healthy breakfast will help you have a good metabolic process for the rest of the day.
7. Drink water instead of soda, alcohol, coffee, and juice.
8. Take time to exercise and burn some fats!
Losing weight fast entails as lot of self-discipline and perseverance. Nevertheless, doing things to lose weight will surely yield favorable results for you and for your body. Being healthy and fighting obesity generally results in a longer and happier life.
Aven Guan is a professional health consultant. If you want to learn more about how to lose weight fast, visit his website.

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Obesity In America - How Did We Get Here And What Can Be Done About It?

Oddly enough, several weeks ago, weight loss and health issues were not much of a concern to me. Granted, I was aware that I had put on some extra pounds over the years, but not to the point of being overly concerned. I had been to my family doctor earlier this year, and happily enough, she had told me that I was in "great shape". Needless to say, it left me feeling pretty good about my current physical condition, and rather complacent to trying to improve my health.That being said, we as Americans are in some of the worse shape of any people on this planet. Statistically, 1 in 3 people in America are obese, that is over 33% of us, and that isn't including those who are just over weight. This is not only an adult issue either, this is affecting our children as well. In the history of our existence, we are the heaviest we have ever been.
You have to ask yourself, "how has this happened"? Seriously, we were once, one of the wealthiest and most powerful countries on this planet. You would think, we would have used this wealth and power to educate and intervene long before this epidemic ever even started.
Why is being over weight such a problem, you ask? Before we go into the internal physical health issues, lets take a look at the basic external issues. First of all, it is very unattractive, for the most part, the heavier one gets, the less attractive they become, and not just to others, but to themselves as well. This can certainly lead to a life of loneliness and isolation, which can have a major effect on mental health. It is all connected, so physical health issues are soon to follow.
Physical health issues are not limited to, but can include, heart disease, pulmonary issues, diabetes, and skin disorders, just to mention a few. These issues are no laughing matter, one or more of them, if not handled properly and more importantly reversed, can lead to untimely and premature deaths. Obviously this will have a huge impact on the individual who is directly going through this, but it also has serious effects on their family and friends.
More often than not, the basic cause for this growing epidemic boils simply enough down to choices. Every day, we all make the choice of what we are going to put into our bodies, via our mouth. Unfortunately, fast food has become the most common choice for a large number of Americans. Not only are you getting far to many calories from this bad decision food, but then you are washing it down with gallons of soda, (sugar, sugar, sugar). As if this isn't bad enough three times a day, then there are multiple sodas consumed though out the day, jet adding more unnecessary calories that you body just can't process and burn off in a fast enough manner.
For those who do not eat "drive in" fast food daily, they are still eating fast food at home, such as "tv dinners" and processed and refined items. The old "heat em up, eat em ups" found in the frozen section of the local grocery store. If you pay attention, some are better than others, but for the most part, you may as well go to the "drive through" because you are basically putting the same junk in your body as you would be getting, had you just gone to the "drive through". The end result is more and more fat building up, and unless something is done to change this cycle, it will more than likely not end until that person is dead.
The bottom line is, if you want to take your health back, get off all of the lousy prescriptions drugs, you need to start treating your body like the temple it should be. The only way to do this is to cut out all the processed and refined foods. Go to an all natural diet, fresh fruits and vegetables are by far the best disease fighters. Nuts and berries are also great food choices in fighting obesity and disease. Getting a little more exercise isn't a bad choice either.
It comes down to choices, and you can choose to stay on the path you are on and continue to be unhappy with your weight and run the risk of serious illness, or you can chose to change it all right now, this very day. I did a food experiment, and at first I really didn't have any particular goal, but as I started to drop pounds, I decided my goal would be to lose 20 pounds. I wanted to do this without exercising, just changing my diet. The reason for not exercising was I wanted to prove it could be done this way, because a large number of Americans are far to lazy to exercise, mostly because they are over weight and it is far to much effort for them. By doing it the way I did it, I'm hoping it will motivate at least one over weight person to at least give it a shot, even if just for a few weeks. If you don't see results, then by all means, go back to your own ways, and let fate play out as it should.
It took me 5 weeks and 4 days to achieve my goal. I eliminated all meat from my diet, cut way back on my dairy products and ate mostly fruits and vegetables, and for the most part ate them raw. I found the best way to eat raw vegetables was by juicing them, so I bought a juicer. I even went to the point of doing a 10 day juice fast in order to detox my body from all the garbage that had built up over the past 40 plus years. Be eliminating meat, refined sugars and processed foods, my grocery bill also went down as my weight was dropping too. In short, I was double dipping on the positive side of things.
Why not give this a try yourself? What do you have to lose, besides a lot of weight, prescriptions drugs and a very negative outlook on your life? All the medicine you need is growing in a garden in someones backyard, why not make that your backyard?
If you have any desire to learn any more about this amazing journey I went on, you can read all about my food experiment, how I got started on it and see the see the charted results. Click here to learn more.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Hidden Causes of Obesity

Some important causes of obesity are hidden from the public in plain sight. There are powerful industries profiting greatly from keeping these substances in the food supply and out of the public eye. They have the money and public relations experts to make sure it stays that way.I am not claiming that there is a diabolical conspiracy to make people fat, but it just works out that way. In the process of major industries going about their mission to make the most profit for their owners and managers, the public -- and the health of future generations -- is being harmed.
Meanwhile, public watchdog agencies are pointedly looking the other way or even actively protecting what science tells us are major health hazards for millions of people worldwide.

So, What Are These Hidden Causes of Obesity?
The hidden causes of obesity are a class of flavor-enhancers known as excitotoxins, the fluoride in our drinking water, and the near-ubiquitous high fructose corn syrup. These are the big ones that are hardest to avoid -- and least well-known!
There are some other suspected factors, such as PET and other chemicals used in plastic packaging of food and beverages, plus the effects of stress on weight gain. I don't have space here to consider these, which are already fairly well publicized elsewhere.
Most of the public is aware of MSG, but less familiar with its many pseudonyms and analogs. This is one reason excitotoxins like MSG are hard to avoid in our food and drink. The names of these ingredients are changed repeatedly, so it is hard for the public to know what they need to be avoiding.
What is more important is that few are aware that excitotoxins such as MSG and Aspartame also have been shown to cause obesity in many varieties of laboratory animals -- even without increasing the calories being consumed!
This excitotoxin-caused obesity is not a rare occurrence, but rather a defining characteristic effect, noticed early in testing the additives for safety on animal subjects. They all got obese.

The Food Industry Has Been Very Effective in Silencing the Whistle-Blowers
This is what I mean by saying these major factors in the obesity epidemic are hidden in plain sight. We are vaguely aware of MSG, Aspartame, and other food additives having some negative effects, but causing obesity by themselves is not one the public is aware of.
So it naturally follows that what we aren't aware of can hurt us, especially if we have no idea of how serious the threat is! More to the point is the fact that, if you don't know what is actually causing the obesity, your efforts at correcting it will not succeed. And that is what we are seeing.
I am very sensitive to the effects of excitotoxins and high fructose corn syrup, in particular, so I have been avoiding them for years. I had no idea about the dangers of fluoride until I heard a lecture by Dr. Myron Wentz in the year 2000. Fortunately, I live in a state where fluoride is not widely added to our drinking water supplies, but avoiding it in toothpaste is still a challenge.
Most restaurant foods are now prepared and shipped frozen with a myriad of flavor-enhancing chemicals already in place, so it is very difficult to avoid these excitotoxins when eating out. About the only sure defense is to cook at home from basic ingredients.
Fluoride is a very interesting story among the hidden causes of obesity. Did you know that most of the fluoride used in the U.S. water supply comes from China, where it is an industrial waste product?
Yes, you read that right: We pay China to ship us their industrial toxic waste, which our "public health authorities" place in our water!
Even more amazing is the fact that this industrial waste is not pharmaceutical grade and is not even particularly effective in preventing cavities.
The real capper on the story of fluoride in our water is that fluoride was used for years in Europe as a prescription drug for effectively reducing thyroid function. According the Fluoride Alert Web site, and other sources deemed trustworthy, Fluoride -- by reducing the thyroid gland's regulation of our metabolism -- may be a key factor among the hidden causes of obesity.
With obesity about to bankrupt the American health care system through its causative effects on multiple diseases, the public needs to ask loudly, "Why are these obesity-causing substances being allowed in our food and water?
This article only reveals the "tip of the iceberg", concerning the health damages brought on by these toxic additives in our food and water. Visit my Web site for my scientific sources and the rest of the story on the Hidden Causes of Obesity

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Overeating Disorders As Well As Its Causes and Symptoms Easily Explained

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 20% young women report that they have had compulsive overeating problems. Unlike anorexia and bulimia, compulsive overeating is also rather common in men, who account for approximately 40% of overall compulsive overeating disorder cases.Overeaters and Compulsive Overeaters are often obese and are susceptible to many health problems due to being overweight, some of which are high blood pressure, hypertension, diabetes and high cholesterol. Those who are obese increase their risk of heart diseases, many types of cancer and gallbladder disease. Compulsive overeaters often feel fatigued.
The majority of Overeaters feel as if they have no control over their overeating behavior, and eat in secret and when they are not hungry. They also feel shame and remorse over their behavior. Indeed, most times they simply don't have control over their habits.

What are the causes of overeating?
Causes of overeating vary, but there are usually a variety of contributing factors. A traumatic event, which may have taken place years before compulsive overeating manifested itself, is often a cause. Such events may include, but are not limited to:
Sexual abuse or rapeEmotional abuseParents' divorceDeath of a loved onePhysical violence
The overeating begins gradually and often starts when children first start developing overeating patterns. Some children turn to food whenever they are upset. They begin to use food to soothe and comfort themselves. If left unchecked, this habit follows them to adulthood, and ultimately, obesity.
A friend was only four years old when she began putting on weight by overeating. At the time, her parents were going through some difficult times, and one of them may have been having an affair. Being a very sensitive child, she could have picked up on this, and started to soothe herself with food, resulting in weight gain. For the rest of her life, her weight went down and then back up again. In adulthood, she became obese.

Signs and symptoms of an Overeater, or Compulsive Overeater:
Rapid weight gainEating large portions of food even when not hungryDisgust and shame after overeatingDepressed and anxious moodEating food to the point that one is uncomfortable and even in painGoing from one diet to the next constantly, searching for answers to permanent weight lossFeeling out of control over foodEating late at nightUsing food to entertain when aloneHiding food around the home, anticipating the next bingeDoes not use any measures at all to purge the binged foodConstant weight fluctuationsSexual avoidanceExhibits an abnormally low self-esteemAttributes any successes or failures to weightAvoids many social situations due to low self-esteem, or simply feeling uncomfortableUses food as a "drug" to self-medicate feelings

Practical advice for the Overeater:
Larger plates mean larger servings; up to 25%-28% more, so buy smaller plates as a start.Watching TV while eating can cause you to eat up to 40% more food. Don't eat while watching TV!It takes 20 minutes after we eat before the stomach tells the brain that it is satisfied. If you start feeling full, put your plate down. Wait 15 minutes, and you will more than likely find that the desire for more passes. If not, continue eating. But at least become aware of the feeling of satiety.It was found that both children and adults pour up to 76% more liquid into short, wide glasses than they do in tall, slender glasses. This is because we focus more on height instead of width, what's known as the vertical-horizontal illusion. Don't use short, wide glasses!As far as food cues are concerned, visual matters! An example: students at an all-you-can eat buffet, ate chicken wings nonstop when their tables were continually cleared. They simply didn't notice how much they were actually eating because there was no evidence in front of them. In contrast, people at buffets who gathered all they planned to eat, including dessert, before they sat down, ate 14% less than those who just take a little at a time and go back and forth for seconds. Take all you plan to eat up-front!Put the amount of a snack you want to eat in a bowl or on a plate, so you can see exactly how much you're putting into your body, and don't eat straight from the packaging.
If you need help to break the destructive habit of overeating, offers a free "Get Thin for Good" program which aims to help you change the way you relate to food which is the reason you are overweight in the first place. The program does not focus on dieting, slimming products or deprivation.

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Monday, February 13, 2012

Obesity Risks Increase Over Time

Here's a worrying finding for those of us carrying too much weight. When it comes to weight gain, calculation of obesity risks to your health has focused on the severity of the weight gain on its own, but paid no attention to how long that weight had been hanging around.Some compelling new research finds that every added decade you are obese doubles your death risk. Just like pack years for a smoker, recent research calls for the "obese year" to become part of any assessment of health for a patient. Researchers believe that the health toll of all those extra pounds is far higher than we know because estimates haven't factored in the duration of a person's obesity. Today the obesity epidemic has gotten tremendous press. Sadly, there are all too many of us who fall on the high side of the BMI scale... over 25.0.
In the U.S., a full third of adults belong to the obese category. In the U.K. the number is a quarter of adults - still significant to be sure and predicted to rise. What's worse, if the current trends continue, obesity will become a prominent health problem for more and more of us the world over. Work by the researchers found that the duration of obesity has a direct impact on death risk. And this is not related to other risk factors such as age or just how heavy a person is. The team examined the health of over 5,000 patients who lived in the U.S. who were enrolled in a study that monitored their health on a two yearly basis over many decades.
Among the subjects, death risk rose by 7% for each added two years of obesity. Being at this weight for 15 to 25 years doubled the death risk, compared to those study participants who had never been obese. Death risk tripled for those classed as obese for longer than 25 years. Now you see why researchers are so concerned... the risk of death for those currently obese might be so much higher than any other time in history. What's more, people are falling into the obese categories at younger ages, which means that kids today might actually expect a shorter lifespan than past generations. Obesity often starts up to 10 years earlier compared to past records. The team of researchers suggests that the number of years you've been obese needs to be considered when doing an assessment of overall health.
If your doctor can tell you the consequences of your extra weight, in terms of how shortened your life will be, this might be enough to get some people on the road to weight loss. But scare tactics don't work for everyone. If they did, losing weight wouldn't be such a struggle for so many. The truth is, losing weight isn't quick... or easy... but it can be done by making small, manageable changes and sticking with them over the long haul. It's also important to understand that losing weight, at any age, will do wonders to help reverse obesity risks, extend your lifespan and leave you with less risk of dangerous, life altering disease.
FREE Bonus Secret Health Reports - For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from the Daily Health Bulletin. Click through now to discover more on obesity risks and steps you can take to reduce or prevent them.

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Obesity is not only killing America

People are getting lchbdim all corners of the world. The World Health Organization predicts there will be a 2.3 billion adults are overweight and more than 700 million world's obese by the year 2015. This epidemic is a disaster. Fifty years ago is not maintained statistics about the deadly disease. Everyone recognizes the fast food industry and world wide number one of crisis as Hashem. However, real professions, weight, lack of exercise and works down, to contribute to the problem in step yaonm also far-reaching. The most annoying are the current trends and statistics was showing how obesity brutally has spread to our children. Obesity experts are alarmed by studies that obesity runs in families offering genetic link possible between people and obesity.
Keep in mind; Trap-other families also sharing can be attributed to family nutrition habits and living, as well as similar attitudes toward physical steps exercise. Parents have a strong influence on the children they raise. They impact directly on the shopping habits of their children, as well as hygiene and their self-esteem. Recent trends show that obese children, adolescents and adults often become obese. This feature is one that we should move to the next generation.
Our environment can also affect the trapping rate mkomamt. Would you believe me if I said you can air contribute to obesity? Second, lack of sleep comfort temperature air cooled encourages people to eat more food. Research showed that people tend to eat more placed around is closed. Graphic data points between the rate of obesity and illustrates the correlation between air spread of air around the world and the rise of obesity. Lmshmoto of doctors sleep, lack of sleep and jolts the metabolism of the body, and presenting large amounts of energy.
University of Chicago researcher Esra Tasali modern societies began expanding waistlines notes as begin to sleep less. Today, two-night sleep deficit is over 40 years ago. Over time the company to be educated, awareness of the dangers of addictive smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs. Research shows that people abandon one addictions is often receives weight immediately afterwards. Legal drugs, illicit produce chemical stimulation to body and activates the addictive effect. Such a stimulus also block the unpleasant feelings and use people with an addictive eating chemical stimulation to restrain impulses intolerable of hunger. The quickest way to defeat any interruption is to recognize addiction, get the help that.
Using a combination of proprietary products, and nutritional assistance loss methodology known fat my fast, lean body mass increases, improves the energy and increases the metabolism rate in General. What caused your weight, one thing is for certain. It's time to stop the roller coaster ride obesity are of circular and your life. Shorter lifetime will not live at full potential is not acceptable! You have the power within, "training of the body begins with the mind!" placed the facts on the table, just hold the key to control your destiny. You can stop dieting, weight loss struggles to finish to win.
Find out how to stop your weight loss and diets struggles to win over a new leaf with free e-book-eating animals; Don't live to eat – free of charge at A rose is considered an international weight loss and obesity. She is co-executive producer of the TV show future beauty absolute Entertainment TV, WEtv women of households estimated 77 million at the national level. Absolute beauty asks to bring fresh new approach to investigate the many beauty, fashion, health, fitness, & options available to the consumer. On the host, is also co-producer the get fit Club, one of a series of the reality of type ABC in South Florida, local10. com.

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sugar Effects

Most people agree that sugar and starches are the most satisfying "treats" of all foods in a menu. However, these elements actually are the most prevalent cause if obesity. Fats may play somewhat of a role, but sugar "addiction" is the most insidious problem we have that undermines our good resolve toward overall health. Sugars are of course available in many forms indulging high fructose corn syrup, honey, and at least fifteen other forms which can be added to foods. It is widely known that an over abundance of sugar in the bodies system wreaks havoc upon the insulin levels, thereby often becoming the main cause of diabetes. It is also widely known that a large amount of sugar in the body causes chemistry upset leading to nearly all human systemic ailments.A person becomes aware and dependent upon sugars and starches as they experience the syndrome of high and low mood swings. These "swings" are directly associated with the levels of serotonin in the brain. Low serotonin can become an acquired condition but sometimes genetics are an original cause often going hand in hand with obesity. The body will use most anything edible, and break it down into sugars which the body uses for energy. However, it is the additional sugar in desserts and snacks which become broken down faster and then sent to the cells. This will happen before longer acting sustaining foods can be broken down. Therefore, because simple sugars are used first by the body, we feel filled up faster and may eat less of the protein, vegetables and fruits, which give a more lasting effect; this effect often leads people to be satisfied with sugared foods, thereby causing more of a craving for these foods. This syndrome can lead to most of our major diseases. This syndrome also leads to dependence upon the sugared food which causes a short rise in blood sugar and elevated mood, then a quick drop in these levels which cause an abrupt decline in mood. People experiencing this syndrome become addicted to sugar.
Proteins, vegetables and fruits take longer to breakdown, therefore eating this menu will have a much longer sustaining power and keeps us from feeling hungry and craving the sugars. Starches such as potato, rice, peas, beans corn and grains (including alcohol) also break down nearly as fast into sugars which are utilized first by the body. Again, this leaves less time and room for the proteins, vegetables and fruits to do their part.
Breaking the sugar starch habit is very difficult for most people. This is why diets don't work. The body never gets "detoxed" from its dependence on sugar. Only a carefully prepared and constant eating program will solve this problem. Thirty days of a proper menu devoid of sugars and starches are necessary to make a permanent change. Happily, it only takes three to four days to begin enjoying the effects. Thirty days of this plan can become permanent. People will soon find that sweet items are overly sweet and starches are unwanted.
It is totally essential to continue the practice of eliminating sugar in order to enjoy permanent weight control and optimum health throughout life. Interference of any type of stress can cause a loss of resolve and lead to breaking the habit of avoiding sugars. This may be due to the sudden loss of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is quickly replaced by sugars; and becomes nearly a biological need. In spite of the cravings caused by this need, it is possible to fend off the cravings with careful adjusted supplements of Tryptophan, an amino acid which bolsters the serotonin and produces stable mood and satisfaction. Tryptophan, found in proteins, will ease the effects of stress by boosting the serotonin without causing a need for sugar to do it. Depression, lack of sleep, irritability and cravings will disappear and the feeling of satisfaction control and general well-being, will happen. Levels of serotonin can also become increased naturally with certain herbs and foods such as amino acid rich proteins in meat, chicken, beef, pork, turkey, and eggs, and soy.
Eating a menu high in proteins, vegetables and fruit is considered the best way to keep chemical balance in the body. This way of eating automatically eliminates our need for sugar. It is interesting to realize that strictly keeping this menu also is satisfying and sustaining.The over indulgence of sugar, will create a chemical imbalance which will cause "sugar shock" and lead to disease, loss of focus and depression.

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Friday, February 10, 2012

Obesity: A Global Problem

Weight problems have been discussed more than any other health problem known to mankind. The reason lies in the countless number of people suffering from obesity and the myriad other weight-induced problems. It is the same reason why weight-related problems need attention, awareness and treatment.A person with a thirty plus body mass index is classified as obese and the condition is called obesity. Xenical pills are one of the very few proven treatments to lose weight effectively.

What are the major factors behind the global obesity crisis?
A global problem like obesity has been studied by area-specific researchers. Though the causes and factors in each part of the globe varied, a striking similarity was found in almost all the surveys.

Junk food
Increased consumption of fast-foods like burgers, pizzas, fries and other non-healthy food items has affected people's health adversely. These convenience foods are very low in nutritional contents and can trigger obesity and many other potentially morbid health conditions.

Lack of regular exercise and physical activities
The body uses stored calories while performing exercise or any physical activity. Physical activities like jogging, swimming and trekking burn the maximum amount of calories in the body and help maintain a healthy weight profile. Due to various factors, a majority of people around the world do not get time for physical activity and work-out regimens.

Lack of sleep
The amount and quality of sleep can extensively control your body weight. Sleep and hormones are directly related to each other and hormones play a critical role in determining the weight of your body.

Hectic lifestyle and unusual food habits
In today's fast-paced world, people live hectic lifestyles and follow unusual food habits. The body is stressed beyond limits and meals get skipped or compensated by unhealthy alternatives. The overall impact of an unhealthy lifestyle alters the natural weight patterns, thereby affecting body weight to a great extent.

This seemingly silly factor is actually one of the major markers for obesity worldwide. Weight changes are normal and natural, and so are the related weight loss problems. A negligent attitude toward any problem, including weight loss, is difficult to negotiate.

5 healthy foods that can help to lose weight
Food intake forms the major part of your weight control programme. Listed below are a few healthy foods that can help you to lose weight effectively.
Fruits, They are natural, rich in fibres and stomach filling.
Vegetables, Vegetables provide a rich source of fibres and proteins and are easily digestible.
Nuts, They are useful to satisfy hunger cravings and can give you energy to last a few hours before your regular meals.
Eggs, Eggs are an amazing source of proteins and can provide the required amount of energy to help you build muscles.
Oats, Oats can make you feel full and they cut down on cholesterol and blood fat.

Causes of Obesity and available treatments
The main cause of obesity is the accumulation of excessive amount of fat in the body. Diet, genetics, metabolic rate, medical illnesses and lifestyle play their own significant roles in triggering weight problems. Several treatments like balanced and controlled diets, physical activities and gastric bypass are available for treating obesity; weight loss pills being one of the most effective ones.

Xenical is an FDA-approved prescription-only medication to lose weight. The active ingredient in Xenical is orlistat, which acts as a fat-blocker to reduce the amount of dietary fat.
Trevor Wilson is a writer who likes writing on various health conditions like Impotence, Obesity, Baldness etc. As obesity has become a global problem, i think, it is required that people should discuss their problem with health consultants and seek their treatment.

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Importance of Portion Control

In the UK the average food purchased for a family of four equates to 8.3 million tonnes a year. However the amount of food wasted by a family of four in the UK amounts to eight million tonnes a year. Overall in total three million tonnes a year, is wasted on food alone. This is equivalent to £680 a year, or £50 a week. One reason for this problem is that families are cooking more than is required for sustainability. Also the foods served are on larger plates, compared to being served on smaller plates. This can add an extra 50 to 150 calories a day, then four pounds of weight a month, then 36 pounds a year (this is equivalent to adding three stone a year!!)According to the Industry and Grocery Distribution (IGD) the recommended intake of calories for a male is 2,500 calories, for a woman this value is 2,00 calories. A large size of pepperoni pizza with cheese on a thick crust typically contains over 3,000 calories. Donner kebab with chips usually contains 2900 calories. If these foods are consumed, the person would have little calories left to consume the other foods needed for the rest of the day. Also extra calories can be consumed due to eating previously throughout that day. This can lead to weight gain, and over a long period of time possibly become overweight, unless changes are not made.
There is a variety of ways to reduce the use of consuming extra calories. One example is the knowledge of measuring the right portions per person, per food. Love Food Hate Waste (LFHW) is a special company funded by the Government to advise on the importance of reusing foods that are edible, and to promote the reduction of landfill. LFHW suggests:
three heaped teaspoons of beans per person
¼ mug full of rice per person
100g of pasta per person
75g spaghetti per person
140g of beef/chicken/pork per person
five small potatoes person
The LFHW also promotes the use of home composting, as there are foods that are unavoidable to waste including egg shells, banana skins, tea bags, amongst others.
Home composting is good as it can help to reduce waste going to landfill, and it can help to boost nutrients to the garden.
There are other ways to reduce food waste have a look at the other ideas:
Purchase spaghetti measures. These can be available in any supermarket stores. It is shaped like a wooden spoon, with circles (of different sizes) going vertically down the spoon. The circles demonstrate the bigger the number of people, the bigger the amount of food needed to cook them, the bigger the circle. The smaller the circle the less people needed.
Planning the meals for the week would help to reduce food waste, and can help to reduce the chances of buying food unnecessarily including saving money. Taking cash to go shopping, rather than using a debit/credit card can help to reduce spending, as there is only a limited budget when using cash.
Finally if extra portions are produced during cooking, and it is not needed, freezing would be an ideal idea, therefore food not needed can be reused later on. Any food can be frozen apart from:
Sour cream
Fresh eggs
Soups that are cream based
Real/ whipped cream
Pizza dough
If the following foods are left over:
The following meals can be made out of them:
Banana- smoothies, banana cake
Yogurt- Various desserts
Rice- Fried Rice/ rice pudding
Overall it is important to be weary about portions; simply swapping a 12 inch plate to a nine inch can reduce the calorie intake by 500 calories. This is ideal especially if healthy lifestyle and losing weight is on the agenda. But also it can help to save money, even better save the environment.
Francesca is a registered associate nutritionist. She can advice on healthy eating, portion control, weight loss, and other healthy lifestyle issues. She has created the programme called livelongrocks, which advises groups and individuals on weight management. The programme has a blog, and a website, which you can follow below:
if you have any other issues please email francesca on:

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Smarter Science of Slim by Jonathan Bailor - A Sane Approach to Diet, Weight and Lifestyle

The underlying connection was closed: A connection that was expected to be kept alive was closed by the server.In his book The Smarter Science of Slim Jonathan Bailor presents much more than advice on lifestyle and diet. This is a complete argument relating themes of nutrition, exercise, digestion and food to their associated consequence, weight. Unlike many works in the area of diet, The Smarter Science of Slim presents informed consideration of the subject, offers no quick fix, no formulaic or unsubstantiated, quasi-religious claims. What the book does do is argue a coherent, rationally-constructed and evidence-justified position which identifies an approach to diet and lifestyle rather than a prescription. It is to the author's credit that the book achieves its aims in a fluent, readable style that engages and entertains as well as informs.
Jonathan Bailor begins with a criticism of current approaches, a corpus of advice that represents something of an establishment position. It's a diet he labels INSANE. It's not quite an acronym, but it gets the point across. The consequences of this diet are obesity. Yes, we are being officially advised into a state of obesity. In contrast, the SANE approach allows you to eat just about as much as you want. What's more, it's better nutritionally and your weight will stabilise at a lower level. Does this sound too good to be true?
To prove the case the author cites research findings and extensive data to identify a diet that is roughly equally shared between protein, carbohydrate and fat. On the face of it, this may not seem to be such a radical departure from the current received position, except in relation to fats. But The Smarter Science of Slim approach differs markedly in the foodstuffs identified in each category. Jonathan Bailor thus declares war on starch! Out go grains, flour, potatoes, rice and pasta, for example. In comes as much water-rich vegetable as you want to eat. Crucial to Jonathan Bailor's argument is that these fill you up and thus satiate, while simultaneously providing all essential nutrients alongside low calorific values. He is also confident that eating more proteins will restrict the appetite that currently craves more starch because it is fat and protein deficient.
The argument then moves on to the concept of a person's natural body weight. The norm can change and can be changed, but the human body always tries to maintain what the brain perceives an optimal or normal weight. The problem is that this norm is influenced by the digestive load that the diet presents. When this is changed, then the perceived norm can be changed. INSANE diets raise the norm and hence promote obesity, while SANE approaches encourage stabilisation at lower weights.
But The Smarter Science of Slim goes beyond this. It also suggests exercise routines that don't take all day, are efficient at burning energy and keep the body fit and trim. And all of this can be accomplished in just twenty minutes a couple of times a week.
Cooks will be disappointed with Jonathan Bailor's approach to meals that adhere to his SANE principles. But the ingredient list is extremely long and even five minutes in the kitchen would produce something palatable, tasty and also SANE, certainly something a tad more appetising than a veggie smoothie. The Smarter Science of Slim allows, even encourages consumption of almost anything you want in the line of meat or fish. Since fats are not outlawed, you can even take a slab of cheese. But you will have to make your sandwich with cabbage leaves, rather than bread.
Anyone who has feelings of guilt or even mere concerns about weight, diet or lifestyle could profit greatly from reading The Smarter Science of Slim. The book illustrates that there is nothing to be afraid of, that there are multitudes of wholesome and tasty foods that can be eaten with abandon without fear of obesity or ill health. As a consequence of The Smarter Science of Slim's SANE approach, these things will look after themselves, leaving you to get on with living life rather than worrying about it. Then you can read The Smarter Science of Slim again to admire the book's style, scholarship and coherence.
Philip Spires
Author of Mission and A Fool's Knot, African novels set in Kenya
Migwani is a small town in Kitui District, eastern Kenya. My books examine how social and economic change impact on the lives of ordinary people. They portray characters whose identity is bound up with their home area, but whose futures are determined by the globaised world in which they live.

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Banting Cure: How to Lose Three Pounds a Week by Eating Less Sugar

Everyone agrees that something must be done to tackle the obesity plague. High on the list of planned government interventions is the imposition of a hefty tax on sweetened foods and drinks. In America, a powerful medical lobby is pressing for a 40 per cent tax on all shop-sold cola drinks. It's believed that this single act would reduce the average per capita energy consumption by 1,200 calories a day, which is equivalent to a loss of just over three pounds of surplus body fat a week. This is a tempting move for politicians to make, for the tax would raise tax revenues by an estimated $2.5 billion (£1.6 billion) a year. The development of refined sugar has been one of the most destructive revolutions in human culinary history. Today a sixth of our calorie consumption is provided by sugar, which when it was first imported from the West Indies was as expensive as caviar, and so was kept like tea in locked caddies. Now we eat as much sugar in a fortnight as our forebears ate in a year two hundred years ago. Today it's among the cheapest, and most appealing, forms of quickly absorbed energy. Most animals are tempted to overindulge if they're given sugary foods. If rats are supplied with food which is bland but highly nutritious they'll eat just enough to balance their energy requirements; but they'll overeat and put on weight if they're given chocolates and biscuits. Horses, bears and ants show the same predilection, and likewise human babies, who from the moment they enter the world can be made to smile by giving them something sweet to eat.Food manufacturers take advantage of this inherent passion and make sure that their junk foods are loaded with sugars and fat. One frequently recommended way of losing weight is to stop eating all foods that are advertised on television, since these are invariably heavily laden with sugar. Researchers claim that anyone who limited themselves to eating only foods which were advertised in the media would consume more than 25 times the recommended daily allowance of sugar. By doing so, today's jam doughnut becomes tomorrow's middle aged spread. Instead of eating hyper-palatable cookies, candies and cakes we should stick to eating natural foods. These provide a wide range of essential nutrients and are slower to digest, which makes it far easier for the body to decide when it's had enough.
This was the discovery of William Banting, the nineteenth century undertaker, who made a fortune selling elaborate coffins to the Duke of Wellington and other members of the London gentry. In 1862, at the age of 65, Banting weighed 202lb, which was clearly excessive for a man who was only 5ft. 5inches tall. Over the years he'd tried a wide variety of slimming regimes, ranging from fasting to spa treatments, dieting and strict exercise regimes. All failed. When his health finally plummeted, probably because he'd developed Type 2 diabetes, he consulted Dr William Harvey who was then one of Europe's most eminent physicians. Harvey put him on a low sugar diet, and a year later he was 46 pounds lighter, and was losing at a rate of roughly a pound a month. He'd lost twelve inches around his waist, was sleeping better, and could go up and down stairs with ease. Such was his miraculous transformation that he wrote Letter on Corpulence (1863), which was the world's first diet book. In it he said: 'I can confidently state that the quantity of diet may be safely left to the natural appetite, it is quality only which is essential to abate corpulence.' Reduce your intake of sugar as much as possible, and you too can gain the same results.

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Monday, February 6, 2012

Using Mineral Supplements With a Natural Diet

Professionals of the modern world are, invariably, on the heavier side because of the kind of lifestyle that they lead. In fact, the problem of obesity is one that has been plaguing the majority of developed nations and numerous developing countries as well. The direct cause for this problem being so widespread in the world is simply the fact that people are depending on unnaturally processed foods and gorging on fast foods too much. These foods, while extremely tasty, tend to lack the major and minor nutrients that the body needs to keep itself healthy.Moreover, even if you switch from these types of foods to a natural and balanced diet to lose weight, you would find yourself lacking some small but equally vital nutrients because processed food items and hybrid fruits and vegetables lack them. The solution to this weight loss problem, of course, is to make sure that your body gets these nutrients with the help of natural supplements.
One type of nutrient that is particularly hard to find in right quantities these days is essential minerals. This means that, if you wish to lose weight, one of your more important targets should be to get a good natural mineral supplement. Here is some information on why your body is going to need minerals from mineral supplements to lose weight and remain healthy.
1. Minerals are a major part of hormone production and management in the human body. This means that the minerals that you will draw from your natural supplements and balanced diet would help you deal with a wide range of hormonal problems. For example, the right type and quantity of minerals can reduce the intensity of the symptoms of menopause in women. This means that the whole menopause period goes by in a much smoother manner. Moreover, as minerals also help a person deal with emotional problems, a woman suffers from minimal mood swings and emotional outbursts.
In addition to this, natural mineral supplements would allow a person to have a healthy thyroid gland, which means that the hormonal balance of the body is maintained consistently.
2. It is a well-known fact that the immune system and the bone structure of obese people are weak. A body cannot remain sturdy for long with this kind of weakness. Therefore, you need to shore up both these systems. Minerals are important components for both these systems because they strengthen the immune system of the body while simultaneously making the bone structure stronger.
3. Finally, natural mineral supplements can also help the digestive system of the body because minerals are known to make the digestive system healthy. This would, in turn, result in the body being more energetic and resistant to fatigue. It is also worth mentioning that natural mineral supplements can help the blood sugar levels of the body through facilitating the digestive and circulatory systems.
While there may be many lab synthesized mineral supplements in the market, it is crucial that you go for natural mineral supplements because your body would recognize bio-available minerals more easily.
Scott C Brunne invites you to enjoy your Ultimate Lose Weight Program for Life, using only these Natural Nutritional Products.

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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Pure White and Deadly: A Simple Way to Slim Is to Reduce the Consumption of Refined Sugar

Obesity was once a rich man's disease. Now its devastating impact is far greater on the poor than on their wealthier neighbours. During this time our life styles have undergone a dramatic change. Two centuries ago, the ruling classes got little exercise and consumed far more rich foodstuffs than the peasantry. Now the positions are reversed. At one time, when sugar was first brought to Europe from the New World, it was as expensive as caviar is today and stored like tea in locked caddies. Only the rich could enjoy its luxurious taste, and even they ate only as much in a year as the average Briton eats in a fortnight today. This is one of the greatest dietary revolutions in man's history, a change which had a disastrous on men like William Banting, the nineteenth century businessman who is the leading character in this slimming tip. Banting, who'd made a fortune selling upmarket coffins to the gentry, had a passion for sugary foods. As a result, by the time he reached the age of 65, he tipped the scales at what for a relatively short man was a gargantuan 202 lb.This atavistic craving he shared with most other animals, including horses, bears and ants, who are all tempted to overindulge if they're offered sweet foods. Research has shown that if rats are given food which is bland but highly nutritious, they eat just enough to balance their energy requirements. But if they're given sugary foods, like biscuits, chocolates and sweets, they overeat and put on weight. Even infants show a preference for sweet drinks, a tendency which is so strong that you can get a new born baby to smile simply by giving it something sweet to eat. The sweet tooth habit starts in the cradle, although it should more properly be called a sweet tongue craving, since the receptors which distinguish between sweet and sour are located on the tongue.
Sugar now provides about a sixth of the total calorie intake in Western countries. This is a particular hazard for Britons, who are Europe's heaviest sweet eaters. The people in the south or Europe have always shown a lesser risk of obesity and heart disease than those in the north, which we attribute to the 'Mediterranean diet' rich in vegetables, fruit and wine. We overlook the fact that they eat fewer sweets, and less sugar laden junk foods. Surveys reveal that compared with the British, the French eat 39 percent fewer sweets and the Italians 60 per cent less. For us, today's jam doughnut is tomorrow's middle aged spread. Most of the heavily advertised foods on television are laden with salt, fats and sugar, which is how their sales are boosted. Researchers reckon that if people only ate food which was advertised on TV they would consume 25 times more than the recommended daily allowance of sugar.
One simple way of keeping slim, and improving one's general health, is to avoid eating any foods which are heavily featured in media advertisements. The other is to reduce one's overall intake of sugar. This brings us back to William Banting, who over the years had tried a variety of ways of reducing his bulk, including fasting, spa treatments, diets and exercise regimes. Relief only came when he visited his doctor, the eminent Dr William Harvey, who advised him to adopt the low sugar diet he recommended for his diabetic patients. On this regime his fat disappeared at a rate of about one pound a month. He was so delighted than he published his experience in what became the first world's first recorded diet book, Letter on Corpulence (1863). In it he tells how by reducing his sugar intake he lost over twelve inches around his waist, slept better, moved more freely and could go up and down stairs with ease. These benefits can be achieved by any chubby person who reduces their sugar intake.

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