Friday, February 10, 2012

Obesity: A Global Problem

Weight problems have been discussed more than any other health problem known to mankind. The reason lies in the countless number of people suffering from obesity and the myriad other weight-induced problems. It is the same reason why weight-related problems need attention, awareness and treatment.A person with a thirty plus body mass index is classified as obese and the condition is called obesity. Xenical pills are one of the very few proven treatments to lose weight effectively.

What are the major factors behind the global obesity crisis?
A global problem like obesity has been studied by area-specific researchers. Though the causes and factors in each part of the globe varied, a striking similarity was found in almost all the surveys.

Junk food
Increased consumption of fast-foods like burgers, pizzas, fries and other non-healthy food items has affected people's health adversely. These convenience foods are very low in nutritional contents and can trigger obesity and many other potentially morbid health conditions.

Lack of regular exercise and physical activities
The body uses stored calories while performing exercise or any physical activity. Physical activities like jogging, swimming and trekking burn the maximum amount of calories in the body and help maintain a healthy weight profile. Due to various factors, a majority of people around the world do not get time for physical activity and work-out regimens.

Lack of sleep
The amount and quality of sleep can extensively control your body weight. Sleep and hormones are directly related to each other and hormones play a critical role in determining the weight of your body.

Hectic lifestyle and unusual food habits
In today's fast-paced world, people live hectic lifestyles and follow unusual food habits. The body is stressed beyond limits and meals get skipped or compensated by unhealthy alternatives. The overall impact of an unhealthy lifestyle alters the natural weight patterns, thereby affecting body weight to a great extent.

This seemingly silly factor is actually one of the major markers for obesity worldwide. Weight changes are normal and natural, and so are the related weight loss problems. A negligent attitude toward any problem, including weight loss, is difficult to negotiate.

5 healthy foods that can help to lose weight
Food intake forms the major part of your weight control programme. Listed below are a few healthy foods that can help you to lose weight effectively.
Fruits, They are natural, rich in fibres and stomach filling.
Vegetables, Vegetables provide a rich source of fibres and proteins and are easily digestible.
Nuts, They are useful to satisfy hunger cravings and can give you energy to last a few hours before your regular meals.
Eggs, Eggs are an amazing source of proteins and can provide the required amount of energy to help you build muscles.
Oats, Oats can make you feel full and they cut down on cholesterol and blood fat.

Causes of Obesity and available treatments
The main cause of obesity is the accumulation of excessive amount of fat in the body. Diet, genetics, metabolic rate, medical illnesses and lifestyle play their own significant roles in triggering weight problems. Several treatments like balanced and controlled diets, physical activities and gastric bypass are available for treating obesity; weight loss pills being one of the most effective ones.

Xenical is an FDA-approved prescription-only medication to lose weight. The active ingredient in Xenical is orlistat, which acts as a fat-blocker to reduce the amount of dietary fat.
Trevor Wilson is a writer who likes writing on various health conditions like Impotence, Obesity, Baldness etc. As obesity has become a global problem, i think, it is required that people should discuss their problem with health consultants and seek their treatment.

View the original article here

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