Finding time for 'head digestion' also helps to preserve the teeth, since it stimulates the flow of saliva and so flushes away particles of food lodged around the teeth, which is one of the prime causes of dental decay. In addition, it eliminates the risk of 'café coronaries', the name given to the medical emergencies which occur when people choke on large portions of food. One minute they're happily bolting a chunk of steak, which may prove to be the size of a playing card, the next their struggling for their life, showing symptoms which in the panic are often mistaken for an acute heart attack. But today, the main reason for being a Fletcherist is to fight the flab. Countless studies have shown that overweight folk tend to eat more quickly than normal, giving their bodies no time to realise when they've had enough. It takes at least twenty minutes for food to be absorbed and messages transmitted to the brain's satiety centre. During this time a good trencherman can consume a thousand calories more than their need to satisfy their calorie requirements. So, anyone who wants to maintain an optimum body weight, and still enjoy the full range of gastronomic pleasures, should learn to eat more slowly, savouring each mouthful of food and chewing it until is almost reduced to a liquid consistency. Gobbling ruins our health and reduces our enjoyment. If we want to improve our digestion and preserve our youthful figures, we must learn to be gourmets rather than gluttons.
© Donald Norfolk 2011
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